The Legendary Chocolate Peanut Martabak from Martabak Abang Kakak – The Best Martabak Outlet in My City

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How are you today ? are you guys okay? I hope that all members of community are always in good health, happy and enthusiastic in living this life. Especially for friends who are struggling for their families and futures, keep the spirit, because if we are difficult no one wants to know and care about us.


Do you know this food? I think friends from Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam or Malaysia have seen or tried this food. Moreover, Indonesians, of course in one week we will definitely eat this food or snack. Yup, we call this food or snack “Martabak” or “sweet martabak”, there are also several different names from other cities. Like in Bandung, calling it "Terang Bulan" or some people also call it "Apem Balik"

I once told about the sweet martabak outlet where I live in Hive. Martabak Arju which has a cheap price, and a decent delicious taste. This time, I would like to introduce you to the most delicious and quality Martabak Manis Outlet in my city, namely Martabak Bangka Abang Kakak.

Martabak Abang Kakak
This martabak outlet is located at Gajah Mada Street no. 9 G, Medan Petisah District – Medan City. The location is in a four-level shophouse and right on the highway. Well, in this street area, you will also find many martabak outlets with almost the same style and way of selling. So, if you want to buy martabak at the Martabak outlet, make sure it's the right one, because the left and right are also food outlets that sell the same menu.




Martabak Abang Kakak is a legendary martabak outlet and a favorite food for many people in my city. This martabak outlet has been around since 1993 and is the pioneer of a sweet martabak outlet that uses high quality ingredients for every martabak it sells in my city. In the past, martabak was a market snack or folk food made with modest food ingredients and toppings, if it used to use corn or black sticky rice toppings, then it was replaced with chocolate, cheese, and peanut toppings. The development of martabak and high consumer demand have made martabak sellers try to raise the level of martabak by using higher quality food ingredients and innovations that are in accordance with changing times. Until now, some martabak sellers use tobblerone or oreo toppings according to their innovations.


Martabak Abang Kakak outlets do not have branches anywhere or only have one outlet. In addition, the Martabak Abang Kakak brand has been registered with its Intellectual Property Rights at the Indonesian Copyright Agency, so that no one is allowed to use the name or misuse this martabak brand. For our ordering system, we can't dine in here, we can only take away. The ordering system is also unique and makes it very easy for customers who use cars. The waiters will come to our car, come to ask for our order and will take us back to where we parked the car. We don't have to go down, and it's very practical isn't it?

Martabak Making Process
There are many choices of toppings for sweet martabak here. Such as chocolate, cheese, nuts, nutela, toblerone, or can be mixed. For the choice of martabak dough, we can choose the original dough, pandan, black forresst or red velvet. Since I bought martabak for my mom and dad, I ordered one of the legendary chocolate peanut martabak at Martabak Abang Kakak. I ordered a large size martabak that could be eaten for everyone in the house too.

Seeing the process of making a food is also very fun to see. We will see the perseverance, detail and also the cooking feeling of the cook, whether it is a street food chef or a martabak maker. The kitchen or cooking area of Martabak Abang Adek already uses modern tools using gas, not using firewood or oil stoves. The outlet is also very neat, and clean of dirt so we don't have to worry about the cleanliness standards of this martabak outlet.






The making or cooking process of this martabak is very simple. The prepared martabak dough will be placed in a preheated martabak pan. Then, we just need to wait for the dough to be cooked and then give the toppings according to the customer's order. The process of making sweet martabak is almost the same all over the world, so what makes the martabak from each outlet taste different? why is the price of martabak so varied? I will try to answer the last part later. Read on.

Taste of the Legendary Chocolate Peanut Martabak
We can find martabak at very varied prices depending on the size and the raw materials used to make martabak. The higher the quality of the ingredients used, the more expensive the martabak will be.

This is the chocolate peanut martabak that I ordered. The price for one portion of my order is IDR 54K (3.63 USD), the price is a bit expensive but believe me, you will not regret spending that much money because you get one very delicious street food. This martabak is cut into 28 parts so that it becomes one food whose deliciousness increases when we eat with other people.



This chocolate peanut martabak from Martabak Abang Adek has a soft dough texture, the chocolate and peanut flavors melt into one and produce a taste sensation that our tongues will not forget. Every bite we take, every taste our tongue makes makes us really enjoy every second of eating this piece of martabak. See a metaphor? but maybe that's all I can describe.

Chocolate peanut martabak is the most popular and legendary variant of martabak. My mom and dad loved it too and we scrambled to eat it down to the last bit of martabak. So, that's my story for today, see you again friends.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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