Chicken bUrger, Tahu Walik, and Chicken Martabak Mesir From Fountain


Hello guys.
I want share about my experience when i went to a restaurant today.
So, this morning i asked my friend if she have time to accompanying me to one of big mall in our city.
The reason why i want to go there is because i want to find a gift for my mom.
Like in any other time, when we meet our friend, it just doesn’t feel right to not have a eating out together.
Me and my friend decided to go to this latest mall in our city, the name is Deli Park Plaza.
It’s because that i already went to another mall that i usually visit the day before.
I just dont feel like going to the same mall twice in a row.
It just gonna be so boring.
Since this is relatively new mall, there’s not many food tenant yet.
There’s still so many empty spaces there.
So our food choices is limited, not like in my usual hang out mall.
There’s like three level where they mostly have food restaurant, which is two in the ground floor and one in the top floor.
I dont know why if its because they’re relatively new or what, but the internet connection in the ground floor in really really bad.
Since when we eat, we must spent some time in the restaurant.
So, me and my friend decided to just find a restaurant in the top floor so we will not get bored with the no internet connection that we will surely facing if we decided to eat in the restaurant from the ground floor.
There’s not really many choices available even in the top floor, so me and my friend just decided to eat in the restaurant that we first lay our eyes on.
What is the restaurant that we choose to eat from?


Yes, it is Fountain.
Fountain is an old restaurant that already stand even when my mom is still young.
Fountain became one of the safe choice restaurant for people here because mostly everyone in my city eat in Fountain at least once in their life.
Usually, me and my friends will choose to eat in Fountain if we dont know where we want to eat of if just the choice of selection is not really much and we never heard of the name of the restaurant around.
This time, it was like that too.
We choose Fountain to be the restaurant that we will have lunch on today.











This is their menu.
S we can see they have many variant of food that we can choose of.
Mostly, they have traditional food here.
The signature dish Fountain is actually their fried rice especially the sambal that they use in their fried rice.
I often miss the fried rice sambal that they have here and to the point of going to the Fountain and eat there just because i miss the sambal.
Honestly, i have qquite a weird habit whenever i went to Fountain.
So, no matter what I choose to order, i will order their signature fried rice sambal.






Before we went to the food that me and my frien’s ordering, i will show you the interior design of this restaurant.
Mainly, their theme is dominantly white, as we can found in every restaurant of theirs.
But there’s one difference of the theme on this one restaurant in Deli Park if we compared them to their the other Fountain’s restaurant in another malls.
I believe that they have this metro concept going on which i totally love and totally went well together with my mood lately.
The only thing that makes me feel a little bit missing from their interior design is their wall is too white for the retro concept.
The wall and the otgher white dominant color somehow make the restaurant is feel so modern.


This is our order in total.
We ordered 3 food and one drink.
I will talk about the food later below, but for the water is because we dont want to drink heavy drinks and just want something light.
The mineral water is actually my order.


The first food that arrived in our table is what my friend’s ordered.
My friend ordered chicken martabak mesic from Fountain.
It seems like she really like the chicken martabak mesir from Fountain because i remembered that she ordered this few times already.
My opinion about this food is its not bad but this is not something that i particularly craving for. Dont get me wrong, i love martabak mesir but i know a place where they sell an even cheaper price of chicken martabak mesir and the taste is really really good.
Better than the one from Fountain.for chicken martabak mesir, I always love a thinner martabak rather than the fat one like they have here in Fountain.




This is what i ordered.
I choose to buy two food.
One of them is chicken burger and the other one is the tahu balik.
Whenever i went to Fountain, 9 out of 10 chance i will order chicken burger.
The burger is good but i dont really taste the chicken.
I even thought that the patty is a vegetarian patty.
But it’s not, its really chicken inside (yeah, i was asking the server for this).
The tahu walking is so so but i actually like it.
The taste is feel clean and so incomparable with th one that i usually bought from another restaurant.


This is the sauces.
I got three sauce.
The black one is for eating the tahu walik.
So, bye guys.
See you all in my next post.

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