Beach Bagels & Morning Meditations


There's nothing quite like starting the day with a delicious breakfast at the beach, especially when that breakfast involves a bacon and egg bagel. As you bite into the crispy bacon, fluffy eggs, and cheese, you can't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures in life.

For me, these mornings at the beach have become a time for more than just enjoying a tasty meal. It's a time to reflect and think about my life goals and the things I want to achieve. With the gentle sound of the waves and the morning sun warming my face, I find that the beach is the perfect place for quiet contemplation.


As I watch people walking along the shore, surfers riding the waves, and boats bobbing in the distance, I think about my own life journey. What have I accomplished so far? What do I still want to achieve? What steps do I need to take to get there?

Sometimes, I use this time to meditate and clear my mind of distractions. I focus on my breathing, letting go of any worries or stresses that may be weighing me down. Other times, I take out a notebook and jot down ideas and plans for the future. I find that the peaceful setting of the beach helps me to think more clearly and creatively.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget about the bigger picture. But taking some time for quiet reflection can be incredibly beneficial. It's a chance to step back, reassess, and refocus on the things that truly matter.


So the next time you find yourself at the beach with a delicious bacon and egg bagel breakfast in hand, take a moment to savor the moment and reflect on your own goals and aspirations. Who knows what insights you might uncover?

Eliza xxx

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