Taste The Magic : Healthy Pea and Potato curry Recipe #1

peas Potato Curry Recipe.jpg

Greetings to everyone! You must have enjoyed eating very delicious food. Today, iam sharing my first Recipe to Foodies Bee Hive I've brought a healthy food recipe for you all, which is a pea and potato curry. And with that, tandoori naan. Believe me, if you try this dish once, you'll really like it. I'll share all the ingredients and the complete method of making this dish in my post.



  1. Peas
  2. Potatoes
  3. Onions
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Green chilies
  6. Ginger
  7. Garlic
  8. Red chili
  9. Salt
  10. Turmeric (Haldi)
  11. White cumin (Sufaid Zeera)

Cooking steps:


Step 1: Add a little cooking oil to the frying pan and make the onions light brown.

Step 2: Add ginger and garlic paste and fry for 2 minutes.

Step 3 and 4: Add tomatoes and cook until they're soft.


Step 5: Add all the spices and cook the masala well until the oil separates from the spices.
(You can add spices as your taste)

Step 6: Add the cut potatoes and peas to the frying pan.

Step 7: Add a little water to the potatoes and peas and let them cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes until they're tender."



The dish is ready now, you can enjoy it with homemade roti (flatbread) or tandoori naan. But I recommend tandoori naan, as it tastes even better with it. .



This was my recipe for today. I hope you liked it and will definitely try it.

I'm new to this platform, so if there's any mistake in my writing, please guide me. I'll be happy to read your comments and they will encourage me to continue sharing my recipes.


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