Non nude zucchini

Finally, it came time to eat something that does not come from a bag, foil, or with delivery. I know how that sounds, but it's horrible true, seems like I have to get up at 3 am each day so I can find time and get in the kitchen.

I guess most of you have tried or prepared breaded zucchini at least once since their season is coming soon and for those impatient, there is always a higher price but nothing less delicious vegetable.


I had two literally screaming in the fridge "get us out of here, we are rotting!"

Honestly, I felt no hunger since yesterday as my friend had Bday, she organized lunch but forgot to invite guests. I had to run at the last minute and find a suiting present, what to wear, therefore had no time to eat, but she made up for it with a fine barbecue feast.

Let's get back to non-nude zucchini and ingredients for this quick snack:

2 eggs
20 ml milk
all-purpose flour
sesame and pumpkin seeds (optional)

Probably you are wondering why sesame and pumpkin seeds?
It's a twist!


Roast the seeds and grind them in a blender, mix it with flour and pepper.
Peel and cut the zucchini, the thinner you cut, the faster you will eat. :P
Whisk eggs, milk and pinch of salt all together.

Usually, I sprinkle the zucchinis with salt after cutting, it helps them to release some water and they are pretty boring unsalted.


Preheat the pan (frying requires a bit more oil). dive rings into the flour mix and eggs (optional, repeat flour-eggs move in case you like a thicker coat).


Deeeeeeeeep fried goldish bites are on their way!
Just be fast, cause they are done in a min, and watch out not to burn your fingers (yeah, you are right I did it - nothing that pinch of salt wouldn't fix).


It's crowdy in here, not for long tho.

Use a napkin to soak surplus fat.


And as it usually happens with this kind of food preparation, something is always missing or overtaking. Few rings are going in the pan nude, fully exposed.


Spring onion, garlic, rosemary, and two tablespoons of sour cream are going to be a sauce, just cut the onion and mix it with the rest.

The total preparation time + posing = 30 minutes, practical and tasty if anyone asks me, but don't I do not prefer to talk while chewing.






Fork it and Bon appetite!

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