Todays food prep - raw vegan falafel and chia sprouts

Have been creating in the kitchen this morning. Inspired by a raw restaurant I found that did raw vegan falafel wraps I put in an order with deliveroo and they wouldn’t deliver to my area 😓 I will go visit them on a Sunday when it’s easier to drive around London and park but to satisfy my craving I have started my own! I made zucchini wraps and raw vegan falafel. This isn’t my recipe but this is the one I am using:

Here are mine ready for the dehydrator.





My falafel were ready way before my wraps which seem to be a bit stuck to the paper 😓 you win some you lose some lol but o made the falafel with a salad and a raw mayo made with sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, water, apple cider vinegar, mustard and seasoning .


I also started off sprouting some chia seeds. Sprouting is so good for us and I know I need to add it to my diet. I’ve been meaning to for ages. Sprouting seeds increases the availablity of nutrients. Sprouts are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, chlorophyll, amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, niacin, anti oxidants and protein.

I made mine by getting an old container and laying cotton wool pads over the bottom. I then filled with enough water that it came over the top or the Pads just the sprinkled some chia seeds in top. You can sprout a lot of seeds.

I’ll do some updates as they begin to take it should only take around 5 days!





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