FOOD | Sweets | Banana Ice Cream with Dates and Coffee

Another one.

(Sidenote: This post was supposed to be posted on my blog, but as I was scrolling down @naturalmedicine 's page, and pressed the pen in my top right corner, the post got posted there.)

As my stomach has a tendency to react painfully to products with lactose, I had to adapt several of my so-called cravings. One of them is ice cream.

I've been experimenting with banana ice cream for some time now - well, actually more in my head, as I've only made this twice. Anyway, this time the ice cream turned out delicious.

is 1.jpg

FYI. After a few hours in the freezer, the colour will darken.

is 2.jpg

Servings: 1. Or 3. Maybe 4
Time: about 15 min, then 4 hours in the freezer


6-7 dates, soaked for an hour or so

4-5 bananas, diced up and frozen
2 dl coffee, strong af
1 handfull peanuts
2-3 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp licorice powder, optional
caramel sauce, either homemade or store-bought, optional as it is unhealthy af


  • In a blender, toss in all the ingredients and run it for as long as it takes for the batter to become smooth
  • Use an old ice cream box for your nely made ice cream (#recycle)

Tips, Tricks etc

  • Use more nuts if you wants. Or don't. Swap the nuts for other nuts. Use the nuts you prefer (yes, another nut pun)
  • Add almond milk if the batetr becomes too difficult for the blender to blend (no pun, bad English)
  • Experiment with your own ice cream - use your imagination, as mine has to an end right now


Did you know?

Bananas are healthy. Everything mentioned below this line is healthy. Bananas contain potassium which fights hypertension

Nuts and seeds - healthy. They provide you with the healthy fats - the mono- or unsaturated kinds - which have actually been proven to lower cholesterol. Also, nuts and seeds may reduce depression

Peanut butter - healthy. But make sure you buy the kind without salt and oil and other additives, as salt is one of the key factors in producing hypertension (when it comes to your diet). Or - make your own, as I'll be doing today. You only need peanuts and a blender. And patience

Dates are - you guessed it - also healthy. Loaded with nutrients. And good for the daily emptying of the bowels

Look at your daily schedule and set an appointment with yourself. Self-care is essential - for the soul, for you and for the people around you.

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