You may have heard of mint flavoring which is a minty flavor in ice creams, toothpastes, and other types of products. But did you know they are based off the Mint leaf herbs?

Mint is a type of herb/plant that has tons of varieties in the mint family of plants. Today I’m going to go over the health benefits of mint leaves since there is so much more to mint than just being an awesome herb to add desserts and teas’.

Here are some quick cool facts about mint leaves.

Mint leaves are great for your teeth.
Bet you didn’t know that mint leaves are great for cleaning your teeth and gums. That's also a reason why there are so many types of toothpastes that are mint flavored.

Mint leaves are anti-inflammatory
You read that right! Mint leaves reduce inflammation and swelling in the body! Inflammation is often described by swelling and body temperature rising wherever the place on the body that got inflamed. But mint can help the body by cooling down body temperatures and having it’s anti-inflammatory properties!

Mint leaves can cool you down
A little bit about this was said in the previous health benefit. Mint leaves can cool down your body temperature just slightly, which is why some say mint leaves are refreshing and nice in a fruity drink on a summer day.

Mint leaves are great for the digestive system
Simply that. The aroma from mint leaves activates the production of saliva in your mouth which helps clean the mouth of bacterias and breaks down food (not as much as your stomach will, but saliva is the start of the digestive process).

Mint leaves is good for the respiratory system
Mint leaves are great for removing congestion and mucus from the body which rids the body of stuffy and runny noses. Mint is also good for people with asthma and hay fever (also known as seasonal allergies) because of its respiratory health benefits.

Those were the health benefits of mint leaves and there are many ways to get those health benefits from them besides just eating the mint leaves as a whole. You can add them to salads, teas, and smoothies and get the health benefits as well. You can also add them to sweets for a little nutritional value.
Even though mint leaves are very good for you, eating too much can cause irritated throat and nose it is allways best to eat a healthy diet and get lots of health benefits from lots of fruit and vegetables.

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