My Experience In Bali Indonesia And Meditation


Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it’s very important that you do it, because nobody else will. Like when someone comes into your life and half of you says you’re nowhere near ready, but the other half says, make them yours forever.

How to quiet the mind.

Also I guess known as meditation but I like to think of it is just quieting the mind. I am sometimes successful and sometimes note. Especially when trying to do this when surrounded by many people or at work. I sometimes sit in the train on the way to work and just close my eyes and try to shut everything off but my mind obviously has other ideas.

I am not a guru in this but this is what I have noticed with my own experience. When I take about maybe half a minute and sit - not really focussing on anything and not really trying either, my mind seems to be less noisy. I think that if you make a concious decision that you want to have some peace and quiet for a while, that your mind will find things to rush at you to totally distroy that moment.


I started off with between 10 - 30 seconds and then gradually could get a bit longer, sometimes I still get thoughts going at a high velocity through but I acknowledge them and then let them go - this is when the session is a bit longer and I have time to do this.

There are many proven benefits to just quieting our minds a little a day or a few times a week. It also brings such complete calm and tranquility over you. Don't get dismayed if you don't success at first, success is just around the corner, don't give up. Keep trying.

When your mind is calm, your soul can speak and this has endless wisdom and patience. Listen to your soul, feel with your heart.


I could totally understand this and the reason being is that when we are at school we are forced obviously to learn to read and comprehend what we are reading. There are many different types of readers and unfortunately I use to fall into the "Slow readers" category. I hated reading whilst growing up and I had a block because when you are put in a group as a child and are forced to read when it is your turn, it is daunting and terrifying to say the least.


Well luckily we get older and hopefully get a little wiser. I still don't really enjoy reading but now it is more to read books that will teach me something inspirational that I would grab for. I still won't read a book if within the first 5 pages of the first chapter it does not grab my attention and keep me engrossed. I am guessing that I am not alone in this.

So think of it this way, the more you read, the more your learn, the more you can share with the world around you. I am not meaning novels etc, I mean real books, self help, gardening, etc things that make a difference in other people's lives, because inevitably it will make a difference in your life too. It will spark a change and if it is a topic you really love, eg gardening or DIY, you gain knowledge and excitement.


So next time you are bored or just want to unwind, grab for a book and see where it takes you.

Photos EOS 4000D.

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