The Recovery Of My Potted Pepper After The Grub Attack ...Check It Out!


Lovely greetings everyone!

This is a happy moment for me as far as my potted pepper is concerned, I am really relieved! If you have read my post about larvae I found in its pot, the plant had been pale and almost lifeless. I took these images to show you how cheerful the plant has been today after the removal of the grubs, 13 of them about 12 days ago.


Now there are plenty of buds and flowers and those tiny fruits are now appearing in each branches. What a lovely thing to see! I was losing hope that the plant will not recover anymore. I fertilize it with used brewed coffee and tea and water almost twice everyday since our balcony is facing south east. The sun rises from our balcony´s left side and sets on its right side, so it´s is getting all those dose of sunrays.


"Corno Rosso" is a variety of pepper that is large, thick, conically long and very tasty fruits that ripen from dark green to red.


Paprika Corno di toro rosso (Capsicum annuum) Source

Paprika Corno di toro rosso (Capsicum annuum)
Excellent Italian bullhorn peppers with excellent internal quality. ´Corno di toro´ translates as "The bull's horn". The fruits of the pointed peppers are slightly curved. A particularly sweet and intensely tasting variety with juicy flesh. The best and safe yields are achieved in the greenhouse or tunnel.


This pepper variety is always available in our market almost whole year through. I prefer to use this in my cooking because it is sweeter than the normal bell pepper. They are being grown in various greenhouses in Almeria, Spain... in Italy and in the Netherlands as well.


This can also be harvested either dark green or red. The sweeter taste is of course when it is already red before harvesting.




I am now counting the days when the fruits become red, harvest them and dry the seeds for planting next season. I hope to control the soil I will be getting next time... The thing is you can´t really be sure if the soil is infested with the eggs of the beetle or not. Last month, we saw June or Rose beetle in the balcony, it was green and I set it free. So even if you buy the expensive vegetable soil, there is no assurance that they are free from grub eggs.


That would be all for my pepper update. What about you, what veggies have you planted this season? I would love to hear from you.


All images were photographed and are owned by @mers.

GIF by @Gremayo.gif

GIF by @gremayo

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