Oh My....13 YUCKY Beasts In My Potted Pepper + Tomato Harvest



I planted my one and only pepper plant in a pot filled with new soil last April. I Have been wondering why the plant looked so pale all the time. It should have gotten plenty of buds already in June, but I was shocked today when I inspected the soil and discovered just by chance these yucky beasts. Whether they are good or bad, one thing I know is they were there all the time and had been attacking the roots of the pepper. I am not sure whether the mother bugs choose which pot /where to put their eggs .


Just take a look at the pepper below, I have been cutting off the leaves below because they looked not healthy. The plant receives feed and water. and the pot never got dried especially in the last days where the temps are in the 30°C.


I got nine of the first batch of these beasts , I forgot to take pics because I felt so bad by just looking at them that it landed in the toilet right away. Can be that they are good ones like the Rose Beetle I posted last time ( I do not know their type if bad or good), but they surely damaged the pepper, so I better eradicate them before it´s too late.

Tomato Harvest...

It was all clear that I have to harvest them now since they will get red in a couple of days on time for roasting. The 3 tomato pots seemed not infected by the larvae of the bugs.


I think I would have to crush the beefsteak tomatoes since they easily become soft in a matter of days. I will press them and put in a jar. Before, I only used them for the salad. But since I still have to harvest many from one pot, I need to preserve them before they get spoiled.





The eggplants are coming out now, I have inspected the soil in the pot, they are not infected by these bugs. This one is a bit bigger now and other buds are developing. ...am crossing my fingers that this will still get bigger.

That ´s all for now from my container garden. I hope all of you

are fine, stay safe everyone!

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
Gif by @gremayo

Text and all images are owned by @mers.

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