Introducing Moon Journal - Women's Power and control over their Health


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Greetings wonderful women of hive, this is Daniela and it is my pleasure to introduce you to this new edition that will be presented every Monday in our Natural Medicine community through the @lotusshares account.

Moon Journal is a section dedicated exclusively to women's health, where we will talk freely about our abilities, teachings and virtues. Our body is an endless book, with secrets that make us wonderful women, our feminine energy has been asleep for a long time due to the displacement that was given to it with the advance of some cultures and, awakening it is part of my work in this column.

But why did we decide to name it Moon Journal? As women we receive the gift of our menstrual cycle, which in turn connects us directly to the moon. Our ancestors have taught us the power we derive from the different phases of the moon and also, how that can be embodied in our bodies. The moon is our guide from the first moment we begin to develop into a woman, to her we owe all our creative stages, resolutions and powers (which for some lies asleep).

That is why the name Moon Journal does full justice to this section, as we will be focusing on our feminine energy at all times. But I would also like to talk to you about the topics that we will be touching on little by little in this column (as I like to call it).

Women's health is something I have been paying attention to for many months now, and I am a little dismayed by the misinformation that some of us women receive, even when we go to a gynecologist. Our body is like a gear system in which we must know each of the pieces to make it work perfectly, our body speaks loud and clear but when we do not know how to listen to its message we run the risk that some gear suffers a failure.

But my way of approaching women's health is to implement a natural approach, from our ancestral teachings and natural medicine. Woman is the complement of nature as nature is the complement of her, therefore returning to it is our work of reconciliation with the sacred feminine.

We will learn about our menstrual cycle, how to accept it, improve it and also link it with the lunar cycle, to know ourselves spiritually, physically and psychologically. We will translate the language of our body to learn how to heal and transform it, we will learn to be the alchemists of our body and nature will be our work table.

We will learn the teachings of our lineage and the traditions they have left in us from the unconscious, to be the pillars of our tribe, to work with the earth, with the waters and the air, and fire will become our conductor for transformations.

We will gradually become the daughters of the moon, we will prepare our potions and we will sing forming a halo of protection and divinity over us. It is time to awaken those virtues that lie sleeping for some of us. We will work in a present way and focus our attention on our internal and external health, we will write grimoires to compile our teachings.

Doesn't it sound beautiful to put it that way? I would like to invite you to join the conversation whenever and wherever you can to provide feedback on each of the topics I post. I also want to clarify that all information will have a proven basis behind it in order to always ensure our health.

We will meet again, Daniela. xx

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On this first occasion I would like to award 5% beneficiary to @vicnzia for her wonderful post about full moon energy in libra.

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This means: Sacred Feminine


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