Nurse Jackie - a gift to humanity!

Dear Ones

Those of you who follow me here on Hive may be surprised that i'm not posting about Matrix-8.

Sorry to interrupt this broadcast, we will return to the original program shortly!

Nurse Jackie - is a series available on Netflix.

Nurse Jackie
Image Source

It's about a nurse who has been addicted to prescription drugs, and all the goings on with the other hospital staff and her family (including two kids). It's sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and quite often touches some un-integrated emotions within me. I've laughed, and i've cried.

It has been said that laughter is the best medicine, and that crying (when alone) releases the un-cried tears from childhood (also from adulthood methinks).

But a gift to humanity?

In my humble opinion, everything i experience is a gift. To receive the gift it is necessary to pay very close attention, to be aware of all the feelings which arise in the presence of the gift, in the presence of every moment.

At the moment i'm up to Season 5, Episode 9 of Nurse Jackie. There are 7 Seasons. If you've seen them all, don't tell me what happens at the end please. If you've not, i recommend you do.

My favourite character is Zoey:

i have experienced addiction myself. Actually i think everyone has in some way even if they are not aware of it. I am still addicted to food. It's not that i'm overweight (well, a little at the moment, but not much), but i eat food when i don't need to. Some would say i eat for pleasure, and that's probably correct, to distract me from the pain of un-integrated emotions.

"Emotion = Energy in motion" - Michael Brown
To integrate stuck emotions (or said another way, to release the myriad of physical, mental and emotional tensions) created usually in early childhood due to trauma (big or small, there is always trauma - again even if we are not aware of it), it is necessary to fully feel the (mostly painful) feelings we did not fully feel while the traumas (big or small - any uncomfortable feelings) were happening. This is because we were not taught how to process emotions (let the energy be in motion - fully feel it without tensing or distracting),

i learned about this theory in many different ways over the last 13 years since i began to be aware i was on an awakening journey in this dream of life, experiencing life through a physical body, which is not me, but it is mine (sort of - it's all a paradox really and words cannot express ultimate truth).

Yet, i still experience addiction (mostly to food - oh, smoking tobacco too), yet i am less and less bothered by it, and more and more able to rest in the experience as the player between the physical and the spirit.

In the words of John Huckel @matrix-8:

Every Life Experience as you live it, is made up of three factors: 1) You as Spirit; 2) You as the Physical Body; and 3) You as the Player. (The Vedantic Be/Do/Have Triad reordered for my current purpose.)

Simply the Best!

My all time favourite emotional integration procedure is by far The Presence Process by Michael Brown. DuckDuckGo it (don't google it cos google censor stuff you need to know, cos they are controlled by the powers that shouldn't be) read the first half of the book, then ...

"Just Do It. You'll thank me!"
-- quote from Markus Rothkranz re doing enema. (ps. do that too) :-)

Now it's time for me to give a little love to the plant people who are currently sharing my bed/kitchen/living room (house is in renovation).

Sorry for the interuption, we now return to the published program:

For the last 3 months i have been swept away by passion, learning about blockchains, crypto-currency and mostly about the Matrix-8 Platform and it's infinite possibilities. I am currently creating a competition, or a challenge (the #matrix8challenge) to help attract people to learn about it and share about it and therefore help to bring it into being to help create a better world for all beings.

I expect to publish the #matrix8challenge tomorrow in the New Age DApps Community here on Hive, then a few hours or a day later i will share it on my Hive Blog and elsewhere. Join the [New Age DApps](New Age DApps Community) to see it first.


Visit the Matrix-8 Questions and Answers post to find out more about Matrix-8 and how it could make a revolutionary change to both your community/business/organisation and indeed to the whole wide world.

Visit and join the New Age DApps Community on Hive to read more articles and to learn more deeply about the revolutionary Matrix-8 system, and to see future posts about Matrix-8.

Join the Telegram Matrix-8 Discussion Group and/or comment below for further discussion to help humanity break free from the chains of slavery tied around us by the powers that shouldn't be !.

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Have you heard about Ecoin and Initiative Q ?

They are two different initiatives attempting to bring about #cryptomassadoption. Read about them in this post i made about Crypto Mass Adoption and get your allocation of #freecryptocoins.

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