A community for the formation of a Master, International Matrix-8 Platform, to be owned by no-one. To be be governed as a Real Time Democrity, by the members, organised in 8-PACS. "I want to see multi-jurisdictional use of the Matrix-8 Solution. I want it to be Open Source. I want to see anyone creating their own Matrix-8 Platform and making a profit, putting the money in their pocket. But I want each independent platform to allow its Participants to be Participants in the larger world-wide structure. And as various jurisdictions permit – I want Matrix-8 International to be owned by itself. Power to the People? No – People are the Power!"
– A style of Governance enjoyed by a population that uses Democratic Processes to reach Accords, but without the use of concomitant Enforcement.
Cover photo www.clipartsuggest.com/easy-agriculture-cliparts/
Logo www.dreamscape.com