Fly Free, Little Bird

Energy Medicine for injured wildlife is such perfect natural medicine - simple, free and not frightening for them.

Today, like most days, our little girl cat, Cinnamon, brought us a gift after yoga class. A little bird. She doesn't try to eat, kill or harm them and actually carries them oh so gently in her mouth. She brings her gifts in to the kitchen more with an air of "Isn't it pretty?" - much the same as a toddler might come running with a wildflower carelessly picked in haste, not yet understanding that in the picking of it there is death.

And today was no different. I was in the bathroom washing my hands, and she brought it to me and laid it on the mat.

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I always instantly remove the cat and lock her safely somewhere - in my daughter's room or the other bathroom. And praise her for not harming it. And tell her I'll be back when the little bird is safe.

I believe it's not just cows, sheep, chickens and pigs that are sentient Beings. I KNOW this little bird understood me perfectly, as does Miss Cinnamon.

I hold and stroke the little critter, cupped in my hands, and talk to it. I send healing energy to it, smooth its ruffled feathers and carefully check to make sure it's wings and feet are ok.

After a wobbly start with one foot, this little bird took about 5 mins before the shock wore off and it happily sat on my hand with 2 strong feet.

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I always sing to them and tell them they are safe. And give them a little Reiki energy bath. They rarely struggle and seem rather grateful for a chance to catch their breath after their little adventure.

Our 3 boy cats are terribly lazy hunters and almost never bring home gifts, preferring to endlessly squabble about territory amongst themselves. But little Miss Cinnamon? Almost every day. And rarely birds, since Miss Cinnamon is partially disabled in her back legs and can't jump properly. More likely to be frogs, lizards and small snakes. Like Larry, yesterday. Larry the Lizard.

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Nose to tail he was almost 30cm long! And also let me pick him up and rehome him to our safe-space.

I prefer NOT to put our animal friends into cardboard boxes that smell strange and make them feel trapped. Instead, I have put a little bit of witchy binding energy around the Spirit House at the edge of our Thai garden. It's shaded, cool, off the ground and usually has fruit offerings & water available, along with baby birds close by in the many permanent nests in the frangipani tree. I regularly tell the cats that place is not for them and conversely tell the little critters they'll be perfectly safe there for as long as they need. I put them up there gently and almost always, within 30 mins, they have flown, hopped, scuttled or slithered away. With the cat 10 feet away, already disinterested.

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Today was no different and I felt connected to all things beautiful and free as I watched the Little Bird fly away, with Miss Cinnamon laying contentedly at my feet.

Energy medicine IS arguably the most powerful of all the natural therapies - where we bind matter, and other creatures, with the power of our intention.

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Right now Miss Cinnamon is luxuriating on Miss 15's bed - being reminded gently by both of us that we're so glad she didn't hurt the poor little bird. We KNOW she can hear & understand that message.

Do YOU talk to animals?

Do YOU ever use energy medicine to help rescued critters?

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All images used in my posts are created and owned by myself, unless specifically sourced. If you wish to use my images or my content, please contact me.

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