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Did you know that this ancient fruit fights inflammation and helps you look radiant?

imagen-4k-ultrarealista-iphone-14-plato-blanco-de-ensalada-de-aguacate-con-tomates-en-una-mesa-la (1).png

As you probably noticed in the image, you must have noticed that I am referring to the avocado, one of those foods that has been revered for its healing and nutritional properties since ancient times. Pre-Hispanic cultures such as the Aztec and Mayan consumed this fruit as a gift from the gods to maintain health, vitality and beauty. Today, modern science has revealed the reasons why.

Originally from Mexico, the avocado was baptized by the Aztecs as "ahuacatl", which means "testicle" in their Nahuatl language. Undoubtedly, it is a good comparison when we observe its peculiar oval shape and creamy texture inside. But beyond its shape, this green fruit is also considered an aphrodisiac, especially among the male community that consumes it. But beyond its morphological similarity to the aforementioned intimate part of the male body, the avocado hides an ancient secret that can change your life: its extraordinary powers to fight inflammation and protect your health.

As a nutritionist, I have seen firsthand the miraculous effects of avocado in many of my patients to relieve muscle and joint pain, improve physical recovery, reduce oxidative stress, stabilize blood sugar and promote healthy weight loss.

This is due to its high concentrations of monounsaturated fats, such as oleic acid, which have anti-inflammatory effects proven by multiple scientific studies. Avocados also contain antioxidant vitamins C, E and K that protect our cells.

I am going to tell you a secret. One of the reasons why I look radiant and youthful at 46 years old is due to regular avocado consumption. It helps to hydrate my skin from the inside out and reduce signs of inflammation such as dark circles under the eyes or even fine wrinkles.

If you also want to take advantage of this prestigious superfood among the Aztecs, I recommend adding fresh avocado slices to your salads, smoothies or sandwiches. You will soon notice the positive changes in your vitality, health and physical appearance. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Image of my property, some modifications made with Photoshop


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