Visiting the Biodome in Granada


One of the best parts in science park in Granada is the Biodomo, where one can see different wildlife from aquatic to tropical. Various fishes, sharks, corals etc. in the first part, later there are species from Madagascar to China.

9 euros to see the "museum" exhibitions, with stuffed animals to robots and the dome itself, usually avoiding the pay to see-things, but it was worth it in the end. Mask mandate and healthy skin bacteria destroyer liquid everywhere was a downer, but hypnosis is not ending anytime soon, so it is understandable.


First was the medusa part, then a few bigger aquariums with exotic and even dangerous sea life. This fella was a fast one, with teeth which can even crush shells.

A wide variety of fishes swimming around is somehow soothing, you looking at them and them staring back at you. Different colors, shapes and sizes, getting along well while not pushing agendas down others throats.


Have not seen sharks too often, noticed that they have eyes, which reminds of a cat. They are predators too, so makes a lot of sense.

The design was neat, one can see the creatures from different sides and the way is going up in layers, in different platforms. Each is separated with doors and plastic curtains.


Have not seen seahorses so close by before, which are hanging on to seaweed with their tails. Fascinating animals, and not the easiest ones to keep in a glass cube.

They also show the appliances to keep up the marine life, which is pretty nice. No wonder even the corals look really healthy.


The exotic 4-legged animals running around makes taking photos very challenging, even cats might be an easier subject to filming. Later found out, they had some recent offspring too, which is great.

They are kept in their own habitation, perhaps they do not get along with other species so well. One lazy bird was chilling around, but that was it.


Also two lemurs were taking a nap on the other side, they would be hard to spot without the long tails. Accompanied by some birds from the same island, they can just relax and wait to be fed.

The aquarium part is below the platform, and they have speakers making jungle ambient noise. Perhaps the animals feel more relaxed with familiar sounds.


The crocs from China are masters of staying still, they did not move at all during walking around the dome. Just chilling and meditating, people could learn a lot from them, especially at these triggering times.

One of the oldest living species must have done something right, waiting patiently but if there is a threat or a treat, they start snapping the jaws. They might know something we humans have forgotten.


The smallest monkeys were really active, running around and putting up a show for the spectators. Many things to climb on and friends to play with, without predators the life must be pretty good.

The kids seemed to like the monkeys especially, sometimes they ran close by and scared the children a bit. They kept their distance though, perhaps they are not used to see other "animals" with faces covered up.


The bigger guy was taking it easy and just observing the people passing by. Under the tree there were some exotic birds digging the ground.

A toucan was hanging close by too, so that was a nice experience without the need to travel to other countries and continents. As usual, my friend made some GoPro footage to be released later on.


A wider view from the exit, it was nice to break some traditions and see a lot of new things jammed in a hall. If you enjoy exotic animals and plants, it is one of the best spots for that in Granada, Spain.

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