Hive A Laugh: Dick Head's Hic Et Ubique, or, The Humors Of Dublin, a comedy, acted in privite with generoul applause Act II Scene I

And we are back to the most famo|us post in the Hive Network. Self proc|lai|m-ed famo|us any|ways. Me is eno|ugh.

I am a bit con|fused ab|out w|here Hive might be led to.

I still see pos|si|bi|lity that we may st|ill yet make it.

There is no censor|ships here they say. Why the shipment of mutes by the Hive "police" muting then? Their powerful downvotes lol.

What then when money is useless in the world? what then of your muting? what then would be the purpose of this blog?

Again, I see people in majority trying their best to make it on here and feel a sense of failure and quit because their motives were money and that is that.

Hoonestly in my opinion? Do whatever the hell you want. We all shall see the ethics and morals displayed by ye's action. And if you ye see and turn the blind eye still, dare not say that ye did not see it happening.

Which brings me to another point on this cens|or|ship.


Is nothing more than an implied threat. (do not copy me or else!)

Childish behavior.

End point.

Regardless of their reasons. They censor. end point.

Despite blockchain networks being the main dessert for intel gathering on social platforms by CIA tools, I still see a possibility.

Once we rid of this evil within our selves first then we will see true change.

We want to rid the external world of evils but those evils are just manifestations of your inner being. Imagine being the only thing in existence (it isn't hard to if your not indoctrinated too much). Now imagine yourself extended from behind you and around you in all directions a mirror. That is your universe. But it is dark. Or so it seems.

You have within yourself a flaming sword that will shine over the truth and allow you to perceive the unperceived. A certain aspect of the whole. this is the world layed before your eyes. Everything is controlled by how you utilize your Kundabuffer Organ (K.O.)
The how is all on your own doing. What are your actions in relation to the utilization of The K.O. (Kundabuffer Organ)

No I am not referring to a piano organ either.
Although there|in lies one, "how", on how to utilize that wonderful organ. The question is, are you using it for evil or good?

Welcome to Humanity People.

It will be tough.

It will drive some to suicide.

It will be a thrill though.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

It won't last long.

The time is very soon.

In the meantime, Hive a laugh... (the iron|ies of being trapped in the crapitalistic world, Bless you for those that made it out except for the hidden hand, global authoritarians. Your fuckery is coming to a close)


Hic et ubique, or, The humors of Dublin a comedy, acted privately, with general applause / written by Richard Head, Gent.
Head, Richard, 1637?-1686?
London: Printed by R.D. for the Author, 1663.


The Prologue.

Our Author wrote this Play, but cannot tell
Whether or no his genius has done well.
Mark well then what hee'l say, and doubtless you
Will swear though't be not quaint, yet most is true.
Heres no Ʋtopian stories, nor such things,
As some men fain, that flye upon the wings
Of fancy only, and include the station
Of their own projects in imagination.
Experience dictates what we have to say,
She being guide, I marvel who can stray.
Hear't out with patience, for we'l all contend
To please you all, and not a Mome offend.

Act 2. Scene 1.

Enter Phantastick, Hie & uhique, and Sue Pouch.

S. Pouch.

REally y'are the prittiest, sweetest natur'd Gent. and the merriest Guest, that ever I entertain'd in my life, and I am sure I have been an house-keeper this seven∣teen years, come Candlemas.


Faith Landlady, 'tis my custom to be merry where ere I come. I must be like my self, noble and generous. I can as well be hang'd as degenerate from a Gentleman.


Hang all base pinching Misers, greedy Earth-worms, that place all their delight in melancholly possessing, not merrily spending, and emptying their full cram'd bags.

Let 'em rot with their cares,
And worldly affairs,
And worm-eat their souls with their treasures
Those only live brave,
That spend what they have,
And spin out their lives in their pleasures.

Therefore we will shape
Our Designs for the Grape,
Where Fancy is feather'd with freedom;
Our souls do disdain
The world with its gain,
Give Riches to slaves that shall need'em.


Gramarcy Hic: the lines are indifferent, and wud sound better, were not that throat of thine so much like the base of a Lancashire Horn-pipe, whilst thy Treble runs Divisions like a Ram in a halter.

S. Pouch.

Ha, ha, ha, that was a wittie one; y'are an arch Wag, Ile warrant you.


If you mean an arch Wag-tail, y'ave hit the nail oth'head.


But Landlady, they say y'are well read.


And so the report goes of thee, but tis in two-leav'd books.

S. Pouch.

I know not how well I'm read, but I have read much.


What Authors?

S. Pouch.

In my youthfull daies, the most part of the Gar∣land of good will, the Seven wise Masters, &c. and there was not a godly Ballad that scap'd my hands.


What since?

S. Pouch.

That good man Mr. Patience his works, and what else the Brethren publisht.


The Fathers of your Church you mean.

S. Pouch.

Well Gent. as simply as look, my first Husband was a School-Master of great learning, and so given to his Scholarship, that a wud not ask me for a messe of broth but in Latine, and for modestie sake (when a had a mind too't) wud wooe me to lie with him in Greek, or Hebrew. So that I was forc'd to learn my Accidence to understand him.


And did a not teach ye?

S. P.

Yes, the first thing a told me was, that a Noun Sub∣stantive is the name of a thing — that may be seen, felt, and understood—



S. P.

And that a Noun Adjective could not stand — by it self, but required another thing — to be join'd with it. And then a taught me to decline Lypides, and Hic, haec, hoc, Gen. whorum, harum, whorum.


And why not lapis?

S. P.

Because I will have it to want the singular number. But to proceed, I soon understood Propriae quae maribus. As for Quae Genus, I judg'd there was but little use to be made thereof.


Why so?

S. P.

Why what can a woman do with insufficient Heteroclites?


Deficient you mean.

S. P.

Tis all one, Therefore I skipt over to As in praesenti, which I soon got at my fingers ends.


Did you learn your figures?

S. P.

Yes, I warrant ye: figures enough to make ye be in my debt as long as ye live.


I mean Syncope, Apocope, &c.

S. P.

I know not what you mean by stink-a-pisse, or a pocky peece. I mean round O's for shillings, and half O's for testers.


Have you no better Arithmetick?

S. P.

I have learnt Multiplication, and the Rule of Three, I hope that's enough for a Woman. To conclude, my Husband taught me so exactly prick-song, that in a short time I taught a many to play on the Band whore, using (after a compendious manuer) but three Notes, Large, Long, and Quaver.


I cud not have thought you so well qualified. But Landlady, a word in your ear — Can you help us to a pretty Wench. I'm in the bravest humour —O I cud —

S. P.

What cud you do?

You may know his meaning by his gaping.

S. P.

Whats that?


Why a —

S. P.

If you talk thus, Ile not venture my self in your com∣pany any longer.

Come, what Sinner dost a know from fifteen to forty?

S. P.

Tis pitty such handsom Gent. as you are shud long stand in need of that which you complain for the want of. I must confesse I shud think it a sin to denie either of you, upon that account, (you know my meaning) wert not a sin to do't. As our Teacher Mr. Giggum has often hinted when a has ta'n the pains to hold forth at a private meeting.


How now Landlady, what canting's this? pray let's have no more of hinting, and holding forth; they are not only word obsolete, but they favour likewise too much of re∣bellion and treachery.

S. P.

I hope Sir, you are not angry.


No, not I, but gigging (as you say) you may use; it's a good ancient word, and still in fashion.


And holding forth in some sense, is good too.

S. P.

Well, Gent. what ere you think of me now, I knew the time when brave Sparks would have been glad of my com∣pany, and would not have sat down to dinner without me. Who then but Madam Pouch? ruffl'd every day in my silks, and wore Laces that cost many a fair pound, I'm sure; been Coach'd to this Tavern and to that, and in a frolick would have drank my Wine freely, God forgive me for't now. All my Neighbours did admire me. There was not any fashion stirring but I wud ha't, what ere it cost: and truly in every thing I was so neat —

So it seems Landlady by your present dresse.


Well, I think 'tis now near the critical hour, when Mortals whet their knives on thresholds. What's for dinner? the edge of my stomack's as sharp as a Turkish-Scymiter.

S. P.

Truly Sir, I have nothing but a Calfs-head and Bacon and a sows'd Hogs Countenance; what think you of that Sirs?


Well enough, but that the continual sight thereof nauseates my stomack. Hic with his Calfs head is always our first course, and not a dish afterwards brought to the Table, but what is usher'd in with a Sows Phisnomy. Prepare ready what you have, and we'l be with you instantly,

S. P.

I shall, and though our meat be homely, yet tis clean∣ly; pray do'nt stay too long.



Oh! tis a prettie beast; the smile she left behind her, with the court' fie she dropt, has given me my dinner.


How she curvetted at every word she spake!


And her breech kils Musket shot.


Her eies wud inform an ingenuous Artist to propor∣tion the minutes of his Clock; for they are in continual mo∣tion, and keep time direct and retrograde.


What a hand she has! the true proportion of a shoulder of Mutton. As for her middle parts, (if they correspond with the rest) I shall look upon that man that dust adventure to lie with her, as desperate as Sir Francis Drake in shooting the Gulf. Let's in to Dinner.


End Of Scene II

Act 1 Scene 1
Act 1 Scene 2
Act 1 Scene 3
Act 1 Scene 4
Act 1 Scene 5
Act 1 Scene 6

The last six links above are posts here in hive. The original story can be found much higher.
Don't forget to follow my other account @yayogerardo (I know, nothing much done, but it will be my main account once I get everything situated.)


I may well just be talking to myself. Who does not talk to themselves? who answers? I seek questions not answers. They seem harder to create. Answers are often simple enough. It's just DOING IT that is the issue. Can we do it as a whole?

Will new years in new york turn into riots or of celeration as is the norm? I mean because of the scamdemia being propagadized by the elite. The obvious red flags were casted from the beggining. Why do an excercise of such an event and then very very very soon after such an event happens? Why are those that were involved in the event excercise are the major beneficiaries? Are you happy now B|ill G|ates?


Anyone know what a green emerald means in the dream? I keep dreaming this every now and then. I remember one night I saw a green orb appear in the night sky. It was amazing. It was lime green at its finest. It just suddenly appeared and grew bright for an instance and then flew south. No gran entrance, just a random green orb appearing in a certain blank spot in the sky and flying south in a straight line after wards. I don't know how many others saw it. I didn't report the phenomena, if it is even a right to call it that. This happened about 8 months ago. I didn't mark the date either. Sorry. This just south of the city over the main woods or tree lines that lead into town.

I don't know. Whatever. I'll look it up in a bit. Share what I found.


Learning Hebrew. i am studying kabbalah here and there when i can so hebrew is a must. plus gives me also an excuse to learn a new language. Rather enjoying it.


Ignore my random quirks.



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