Upside Down World

Hi Hive! You know there is a song "you turn my whole world upside down"..well I do not really need others to turn my whole life around.


As I have been dancing all my life, whether it is at home, in the comforts of our living room or in a school stage for competitions, once you enter the world of dance, it will never leave you.
There was a time when I was looking for movement in my island life that is why I have decided to join the Quinntessential Movement Studio and my whole life had been happier since then.

Sit Up Straight

Creativity is doing something new with common things.
Please meet the CHAIR.
As I was introduced to Chair Dancing - and performances, so is the time I got introduced to chair tricks.
Mostly we use the chair in performances and throw in some tricks here and there. It takes bruises and complete trust to do chair tricks and sometimes it is just also the "not thinking and doing it" and going all-in.
For this trick, you have to do a shoulder mount first and use core muscles to throw that lower body upside and of course, squeeze and point those toes..
This trick was taught as a part of a dance I just love the idea of Sitting Up Straight.. right????

"The Chairtrick"


This one we call "the chairtrick" as we've used this most for our performances.. (all three of us)
This is purely trusting the chair and put yourself up in the air. Sorry for the lack of instructions. It is grabbing the chair in between your head, and then bring the rest of your body up. (still did not help)
Story time... I have a relationship with this trick.. The first class this was introduced to me, I was able to do it right away and while I was upside the chair suddenly became wobbly and collapsed. Of course I have to step out of it and be well. From then on, this is why I have to check all chairs and spot if a chair is a bad chair. I am challenged with this trick because I really am not a gymnast nor have I trained ballet or did dance class when I was little. I do not even know how to do a cartwheel. Being able to do this gave me a sense of achievement all the time. And yes- we have these incorporated in our dancing. So imagine going in this position for 8 counts, then shifting legs for another 3-8s maybe. so yeah, we can hold this post!

REWIND -------eerrr----errrr----errr
Actually, it was not dancing that got me into joining the studio.
It was the Aerial Arts.


Can you believe that this is from a beginner's class picture?

The Hoop or Lyra is a steel round shaped bar suspended in the air where you can bring your body around, up, left, right or even at the top and create shapes and forms.
This is the something that I got interested in trying and boy did I try doing this. Of course, the classes are with certified instructors that will guide your way into achieving fantastic stuffs. It took my hands to bruise at that time and even skinned because I did not have grip back then. You will also see bruises in your body or as we call them steel-kisses because those are the spots that come in contact with the hoop but of course, seeing the positions you have done makes it all worth it.
For this one, I still was holding on to the hoop and have my legs in contact with the hoop.

As you practice, you progress. And you can unlock other fantastic amazing tricks too.

Like this one!
It looks really cool right? It is like sitting but upside, suspended in the air. I love that I was wearing a yellow shirt. For tricks like this, you just have to find that sweet spot in your back to have the hoop rest and push on the hoop with your feet to lock yourself in it...and then just trust your body parts that they are doing the right things and let your hands go!

Over time, you will get familiar in how you bring yourself in the hoop, how you handle and grip your life to it and start with other tricks again.

This next one is a major pat on the back moment for me as I so proud to have this pose pulled off!

Ok, look here. This entails finding the balance from your upper body and lower body and the right hip bone spot to place the hoop when you have to twist yourself to get into this position. Once you have your knees on both separate sides, you then have to push against the hoop for security. And again, trust and let go!
Let us all pause and appreciate the shape, the form and the leggings. XD

Finally, this last picture is special as this is from a performance night. I was playing around the stage and I knew I spotted a photographer. Picture Time!
My hair is flying because I was spinning this then. This trick is suspending your lower body against the hoop and lower body almost on the ground. hehe.. Actually, for you to go into this position, you have to sit yourself in the hoop, and then raise and spread your legs as you lay back, (balance balance) and when you know your legs are almost in the hoop, just lay all the way in the air.. ---- please do not try doing this at home with my vague instructions. I am trying my best to explain in words how I got there!

Anyway, as I had so much fun learning all these things, I was addicted to them and wanted every chance I had in doing them.

And the result is this....
This is just a normal monkey bar you see from children's playground. One day we were at the beach and I saw the bars and yes, I straddled my way to it, hooked my knees and using all core strength, go to this diving post. I call this post my "Crashing into Monday" pose.

So basically, yes. I have read that being upside down is good for your hair as it sends blood to your head (not totally related to the topic but additional information is always nice).

This amazing pictures remind me that if we try new things and new challenges, then we will have new results and new satisfaction.

For now, let me be a bat...


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