Battlebots, Trimming, Lugging Potatoes, 3.5 Discs, Fire, Grill - Friday

Yesterday ended up being a largely inside day. We are in the midst of a very wet start to the month and the forecast is for rain off an on as far as it shows. Each morning I find more in the gauge, all but 2 mornings so far this month. We have 2.22" of rain so far which is 1.3" more than normal.

After watering the house plants I had 2 dry plants in the basement that I had to break down so I hauled them up to the living room and worked on them while the boys and I watched the last episode of Battlebots which Endgame won the golden bolt for the second time.


Then I had to get the boxes of potatoes pulled out. I went through them all and made sure they are still good, I had a few that were soft or going bad but most are A-okay. I had to move a couple boxes to the wax which have better air flow. I added sticky note labels for size then hauled them all down to the basement.


One of the pallets I had in the greenhouse worked perfect to hold the boxes off the concrete. I stacked the medium and large on the left and the small medium on the right. I have to get my ass in gear an get some in the freeze dryer soon.


The boys got the fire going in the pit and I kept it built up for a few hours.


While piling cardboard into the fire I found this stack of 3.5" discs. It was hilarious when I took them in the house and handed one to each of the boys, the look of confusion on their faces was priceless. I had each tear one apart so they could see the disc inside.


1.44 mb per.... One picture on my phone camera is 9 mb... Just crazy.


I grilled our burgers for dinner then cut up a bunch of veggies to have with.


I only got a hour or so soak as I needed to make sure the boys went to bed. I got about 300 words written on my story before bed but didn't get it posted, I will add onto it today and post later.


Man Utd is playing now but I'm not holding out a ton of hope. We are getting a healthy storm later that should have up to 50mph wind gusts. I'll write more on my story, I should hack down the hops bines to clear the frame for winter, then I will grill again for dinner tonight.

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Fleming Family Farm
Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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