My Doubts Almost Got The Best Of Me. But I Did Try It Out First.

After I realized I was so unhappy with the job I do while I was still teaching in a school, I began planning my escape. Well, to be honest, I wasn't bad at teaching. No intention to pride around but I was the one of the best (if not the best) to have ever taught in the school. I was handling the junior classes in a secondary school and the pay was freaking low. I was paid around 21 to 23 dollars as salary. Yea, I know what you might be thinking - why did I agree to the job in the first place since knowing the pay?

Well, the answer is, you should see it from the perspective of a desperate guy trying to make money for higher institution after finishing his exams and graduating from high school. Also, in this part of the country, it is already generally known that teaching jobs is one of the most underpaid jobs. You get to look so decent, teach some kids who are believed to be the future of tommorow, you get to be respected and seen as a mentor by everyone that sees you in that suit or that school teacher's vest. But the undeniable fact is, everyone knows you salary ain't worth shit! So, I wasn't surprised when I got the figure of how much I will be paid.

Picture taken while I was still working as a teacher in a school.

Another reason I accepted the offer was because I consoled myself with the fact I will be paid lesson money by the students, with school still closing normal time and me going home normal time without having to do any extra lessons. The students lesson fees was tagged 12 dollars per session and it was completely optional for the students, or let me say, the parents of the students agreeing to do the lesson. There were 20 students in my class and I, without pressure, was able to get 18 students to pay the lesson fee, which made me the highest earner in the lesson fee aspect in the school because other teachers would only get paid by less than 6 pupils or so. This happened twice - two sessions. That's right, I taught for two years before I took the ultimate decision.

I ventured into the space of the internet in late 2019 and early 2020. I think early 2020 will be much precise because this was when the kick off occured. I quit the job and was trying to get another one when I came to understand that I could make reasonable money online without having to indulge in Yahoo (internet fraudster). I had been able to search the internet for days, if not weeks and found Copywriting jobs well appealing.

However, I was afraid to kick start. Well, for major reasons though and some of these reasons, I can say are valid. One of them happens to be me not having any degree yet or gone into the university. Yea yea🙄, I had read that freelancing jobs does not need you having a degree to get you started. While this is true, the major networks offering freelancing made this kind of difficult as you will be asked to put in some CV, which of course, is supposed to include your educational status and stuffs like that.

This image is gotten from Pxhere. It is displaying a man climbing a cliff. You don't have to stand and watch how is it you can get to the top. Not giving it a try is already failure.

Well, the point is, I knew I had the English skill I can use to start the job even though I knew it wasn't perfect enough for a standard one. But the idea of applying for jobs and delivering to the taste of the clients kinda made me feel like I couldn't do it. It was until I made my first attempt to offer a client from the United States to do a copywriting job he had submitted about SEO writing and got accepted for the job that I knew I had it in me. Being my first professional job, aside the exams I took to get to the company database as part of their writers, I was given a rating of 4.8 over 5 by the client. He said it was exceptional beyond what he had expected.

After that, I gained full confidence to do jobs like that and it kept on going smooth ever since then. My freelancing journey got me led me to Hive, of which I had shared that experience before. You can check here for that. Presently, I just started a programming class and I am hoping to get it done so I can be a programmer myself as I have dreamt of this for a very long time.

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