Creating a new look for Spectrumecons on Hive

Hi Everyone,


It is great to have arrived on Hive. I am so impressed that everything is up and running so quickly and so smoothly. I consider this my first official post on Hive. I posted an Actifit Report and Update that went to both Steem and Hive but I consider these posts as information and promotion of my other posts rather than posts themselves.

It was only a month ago that I updated my channel/profile and communities pages. With the arrival of Hive, I have decided to change things around again. These changes mostly apply to my Hive pages. I have changed my cover image on my channel/profile page to give it a more community feel. I have created a whole host of characters wearing different apparel that have some connection to Hive. I have kept the image of the whale in the reward pool and added my spectrumecons quality logo to it. The reward pool is going to play a significant role on Hive as it did on Steem. It is also significant to my account as I write about economics and ‘Steem’ economics. I have also updated the link to my website. The link is now for my Economics Community on Hive instead of on Steem.

Below are screenshots of how my pages appear on PeakD and Hive Blog.

Spectrumecons PeakD


Spectrumecons Hive Blog


I have changed my avatar/picture on Steem. I have removed my Game of Thrones image and replaced it with Captain Hive. Captain Hive has been adapted from a WWE 2k19 community created Captain American. I replaced the star and ‘A’ with the Hive logo. I changed the red to ‘Hive’ red and changed the blue to black. The reason for changing the avatar is to create more visibility of Hive on Steem. I believe many of the Steem users are not aware of Hive. It would be good if as many users as possible could become familiar with Hive so that they can choose which ecosystem they prefer or if they want to support both. I have also changed the link from my Steem Economics Community page to my channel/profile page on Hive.

Spectrumecons SteemPeak


I have not made any changes to my Economics Community on Steem. I feel quite happy in regards to the relevance of its presentation; see below.

Economics Community on Steem


For my Economics Community on Hive, I have changed both the avatar/picture and cover image. The previous avatar/picture of a Steemborghini does not really relate to Hive. Instead, I have changed it to a whale dipping in the Hive reward pool. I feel this has significance to both Hive and economics. I have changed the cover image to include the community. I felt the previous cover image was too focused on money; it contained both the reward pool and dollar notes. I have kept the demand and supply graph in the image but moved it to the left side to allow more room for the community image. Here is how the Hive Economics Community looks on PeakD.

Economics Community on Hive


Updating other social media


I have also updated several of my other social media pages. I have changed the link on my Facebook page as well as the cover image; see above.


I have updated my links on my YouTube channel page. I have included PeakD and moved it to the number one link spot so that the name gains more visibility than the other links. I have also updated my Instagram account. I have replaced the Steemit link with a link to my PeakD account. I believe any extra visibility for Hive will help even if it is just to a few extra people.

More Hive related creations


Since my previous post, I have created a few more characters with Hive apparel. Below is Captain Hive.

Captain Hive


I have also made a few adjustments to a couple of cult horror icons. How about Freddy vs. Jason; Freddy representing Hive and Jason representing Steem.

Freddy vs. Jason or Hive vs. Steem


Freddy definitely has the advantage when it comes to articulating a particular point. Below he makes some compelling statements as to why Hive might be the better choice.

Nightmare on Steem


I think Jason probably considers Freddy’s argument and decides to switch to Hive.

Jason changes his mind


Even though I am just having a bit of fun, it is still important to customise content. The customisation should represent both your own style, the content you are presenting and your target audience.

On a more serious note

I think almost every country has been hit by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), some worse than others. Whatever your circumstances might be, please stay safe and please be considerate of others. Please listen to the experts in regards to social distancing, washing your hands, and only travel if it is absolutely necessary. We all need to play our part in taking care of ourselves, our loved ones, as well as the broader community. If we all play our part, we will survive this crisis.

More posts


If you want to read any of my other posts, you can click on the links below. These links will lead you to posts containing my collection of works. These posts will be updated frequently.





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