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The Ritual of the COVID1984 Mask: The Physical & Psychological Effects


The average person that chooses to believe in the government-approved narrative by necessity immerses themselves in government-approved roles. The new model of control via pandemics took over the public's perception but also pulled the rug underneath their feet. The previous publicly acceptable roles of patriot, business owner and consumer are no longer viable in the new abnormal model of Techno-Tyranny. To compete with China, the US technocracy is overriding the cultural tradition of freedom with a technocratic model of top-down control...and with it a a new set of roles, beliefs and rituals.

What are the effects & implications of long-term use of a mask?

People are using face mask in unnecessary places such as inside their cars, while out in open by themselves and oddly enough in their own homes.

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A recent story of a "jogger [who] suffered from collapsed lungs after performing a 2.5 mile run in the city of Wuhan..." illustrates the risks involved in habitual use of face mask. This is not a recent discovery but has been known for a good amount of time.

A person wearing any kind of mask faces breathing resistance as air filters through the device, making the wearer work harder to inhale than he would without the mask. This can have several adverse physiological effects when the mask is worn for long periods of time.

Make Shift and surgical mask are ineffective at filtering air contaminants....

A study from Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology "suggest(s) that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles <2.5 μm. Compared with cloth masks, disposable surgical masks are more effective in reducing particulate exposure." The classification of CoV which (SARS-CoV-2) falls into is much smaller than 2.5 micrometers:

...Coronavirus virions are spherical with diameters of approximately 125 nm as depicted in recent studies by cryo-electron tomography and cryo-electron microscopy [2, 3].

Assuming you bought the right mask that is properly fitted to your facial structure its is by no means a panacea or completely effective. Their effectiveness depends from manufacture to manufacture and the capacity of the user to properly wear one. According to the CDC face covers are "... meant to protect other people in case you are infected."

The American Lung Association reasons that we should all wear face-masks to "to protect against unintended transmission..." We may already be carrying the virus without us knowing so they recommend wearing as a preventative measure. This is the current guideline supported by government officials, mainline experts and the general public.

The confusion created by conflicting conflicting advise and irrational panic during the pandemic has paralyzed the public's critical thinking skills. Some people mistakenly assumed that make-shift masks, surgical mask and N-95 would effectively protect them from the long as they wore them all the time. The myth propagated acted as a convenient cure for the real disease in this pandemic: FEAR.

The level of panic manifests itself in the irrational closure of parks, beaches and the double standard of arresting individuals for choosing to take the risk of going outside of their home. The dynamic of FEAR & CONTROL creates a condition where ill-conceived, fast-tracked and politically enforced solutions grow into a surreal spectacle.

The unquestioned official narrative coupled with social pressure sublimates any individual attempt to derail the pathology of fear & control. Consequently, the irrationality grew into the abnormal fashion of today: masks, gloves and a distance of six feet in all public places. Private & public businesses adopted these measures to be allowed by government agencies permission to operate in the gradual reopening of the economy.

A growing divide in the American public continues to deepen between those who are afraid of a second-wave of infections and those struggling to keep their business afloat. On the periphery, are the spectators sitting by the sidelines cheering on the growing tyranny & jeering at individuals who choose to rebel.

If we step outside of the ongoing debate unfolding between angry & fearful people what would we learn? The model of control of the near future is total surveillance, virtual simulations and obsessive sanitation of the physiological body. Sadly, proper psychological immunity gets forgotten as we are socially shamed into sublimating our individual convictions. What does the constant paranoia and ritualistic prophylactic measures have on the psyche?

What is the true source of irrationality unfolding in society today?

"Oppression and Tyranny are not political, they are social and domestic.."

--Michael Tsarion

A mask, in symbolic terms, represents a facade which obfuscates one's true identity. Habitually wearing masks separates us from people and prevent us from making new social connections with the Other. Our voices become muffled, restraint and lost in translation behind a prophylactic totem. At the same time, it offers desperate people a band-aid to assuage their fear of death & the uncertain. This psychological band-aid represses fear by supplanting it with a false sense of security; leading people to believe they are taking control and doing their part. People's false sense of security created animosity toward those rebels that chose to disbelief the conventional "wisdom."

Meanwhile, naturally immune-boosting activities like exercising without a mask, walking on a sunny beach and keeping calm were derided as infantile and selfish. The concerted efforts by governments, medical experts and mainstream academics' to condition the public to stay home reminded us that we had many justifiable reasons to suspect our neighbor. The narrative of pathos from public officials gave new impetus to aspiring petty dictators. Neighbors turned against their neighbors in a misguided attempt to save them from themselves. Zealous politicians, obedient police officers and the culture of fear morphed into an ad-hoc strategy to derail the righteous anger palpable in a growing minority of the American public.

"There will not be any real accounting the psychic damage a social event like this has on people..."

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Permanent State of Fear and Invisible Enemies

The most striking lesson of the post-911 era is the power of nightmares and its necrotic effect on common sense. The pathology of fear created a political environment in which unprecedented authoritarian policies were fast-tracked to keep us safe. People were stricken by fear, anger and general pessimism that constricted the imagination of the country. As the headlines continue, people forgot the inconvenient details of the official narrative and moved on with their lives.

The creeping authoritarianism manifested itself through militarized police departments, unchecked corruption and a global war on terror. The unquestioning American public shifted from their initial fear-reaction to a comfortable complacency. The bread & circus adopted the facade of patriotism, and so the spectacle continued for a while. There was no real external & material reason to question or challenge the artificial bubble of prosperity. Sadly, this irrational complex became the background noise of the previous decade. These seemingly dormant complexes are coming into the forefront of our consciousness once again, as I pointed out in an earlier article:

We have a full spectrum of emotions that are beckoning to be expressed. Instead they are buried with alcohol, work and a constant theater of fear & anger promulgated by the corporate culture. When we turn away from authentic human emotion they make themselves known in unpredictable ways which put us on a path to self destruction.

The pattern of expedient draconian government measures is repeating itself during this latest convenient crisis. The divisive anger that is unfolding during lock-downs is a manifestation of the internal psychological turmoil experienced by the general public. Moreover, the unexamined fear of yesteryear left the unconscious mind of a frightful American public reinvigorated by a new invisible enemy. The real disease is the fear which has grown and taken root in the absence of self-knowledge.

The Big Corona spectacle distracts us from the origins of this disease, by pulling our attention to the immediate now. The good news is that this crisis is not as serious as once thought. However, the bad news is that a lot of people are not ready to let go of their fear and see a better tomorrow. The fear present in people's heart is the main challenge that we will overcome with our compassion & conscious actions. Let us not fall into the controlled dialectic by reacting with fear or anger. Ultimately, we will not see solutions to these fundamental problems unless we step back and look within ourselves.