Kannapolis, North Carolina Village Park
Why is shopping in a crowded supermarket acceptable but enjoying a nice sunny day at the park unacceptable?
I am taking a step away from my research to listen to my intuition and guide myself by the profound wisdom of our little human we call Yaretzi. During my last adventure with my daughter in a beautiful Sunny Monday we encountered an obstacle: a semi-closed park due to COVID1984. Instead of crying or bellowing a long-winded angry rant we decided to create our own game and overcome the material limitations. The strength of humanity lies in its bountiful beauty, creative spontaneity and love-based rebellion. Unfettered normal human engagement creates a "chaos" that is uncontrollable by the pathology of lost souls.
What rational sense does it make to close down the park and takeaway the swings?
The TRUTH is self evident, purposeful and all encompassing.
The truth does not rely on me producing statistics, research articles and prosaic videos convincing people that it exists. Public participation in this crisis discussion is VERY important. However, let's be honest and declare what our intuition tells us. Those who have the heart to stomach the truth will see the beauty beyond the current material darkness. It is up to each individual to do the work and take a leap of personal faith and dare to be free in their own way.
Our creative spirit is inborn, intuitive and beyond time, space and material dimensions; it belongs to no one. We play a role in this dream for a limited time and pass on to the next stage. We must see the light at the end of the tunnel for ourselves. Language, logic and psychology are limited instruments which can take a lot of work to bring results and that is unacceptable to some.
People's Willful ignorance, obedience and unwillingness to accept mistakes..That's the real danger.
People are afraid when they choose to challenge the experts. The lack of information is not necessarily the problem but rather is an unwillingness to accept our own mistakes, vulnerabilities and personal limitations. When the experts are wrong we can be angry and free from blame. When we question the experts and are perceived to be wrong the crowd laughs. The danger of death by a thousand cuts keeps not only from questioning the established medical syndicate but even from actually looking at the good news of positively adjusted government death-rate models.
The madness will continue...
until we step outside of fear, anger and irrationality. We can take two paths to guide ourselves and our brothers & sisters to truth: the logical,factual and rhetorical AND/OR the creative, intuitive and spontaneous path. Whichever path an individual takes let us remind each other that we need to really believe in ourselves and come to terms with our shadows.
The cultural programming that created comfortable masks for us to wear are no longer safe venues to keep ourselves entertained in this open-air insane asylum. The agenda of total technocratic control needs to eliminate, exorcise and sanitize the human mind of all fear, hope and dreams to keep us safe from ourselves. If we don't let ourselves experience fear we wouldn't develop the self-trust we need to embark on our heroic journey to a better, more prosperous life.
Our little human Yaretzi, taught me a lesson of the creative spirit present in all of us when she stood on her own two feet and smiled with arms wide open. She was not dismayed by the nonsensical "rules" but intrigued by ways to circumvent the illogical boundaries imposed on her.
We did not react in fear but acted with love and fun in our hearts and made a beautiful memory that will go beyond time and space. This beautiful memory inspires me with trust in her and in humanity's overall ability to be guided by timeless intuition and compassion instead of comfortable lies and frightful shadows.
This new abnormal is here to stay for the long haul AND So AM I .
Every facet of the previously "stabled" consumerist culture has been uprooted leaving the Average Persona reeling in agorophobia stricken shock. We are all being on-boarded to a brave new world of technocratic control by government experts. In this new artificially-augmented mixed reality all previous socially-accepted roles are now obsolete.
As we transition into this authoritarian dream a trace of our humanity is being exposed as the previous mask falls apart. Behind that mask is a fountainhead of wisdom which originates in the river of eternal life; in this stream of consciousness we will find prosperity & peace. If an innocent child can manifest this truth through her spontaneous actions, then so can the rest of humanity. It may take people more time to see through the deception. As we wait for our brothers & sisters in this space ship to catch up to the good news let us have fun breaking the authoritarian boundaries. Let Us Remember: Our victory comes when we preserve our peace of mind in the present moment.