Does the Corona make you feel anger or fear?

Do you find it strange that some of your friends support the suspension of your rights?


I am angered by the number of wannabe dictators out there. To a degree I can find some common ground and sympathize. I think to myself, "How do they see it?" My conclusion is that some part of them really cares about people. Perhaps, in some misguided way they are looking out for the common-good, the collective good. Some may even say that the deceit is needed to convince people to take this crisis event seriously. Personally, I don't like to demonize people who I disagree with.
Eventually calling people sheeple or non-believers detaches us from the human element.
In this moment of anger I am losing my peace. The rebel in me has thrown caution out the door and spoken in anger to those spellbound by the corona myth.

People take for granted that the majority of our entertainment is controlled in some way or fashion by corporate interest. Celebrities may even claim to be like us. They remind us that we are in all of this together. Millions of people have their attention to influential people like Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson..etc. Personally, I am clueless about the latest fashionable celebrity or the latest Tiger King episode. I do know that economy is a controlled mechanism design to rob us of our energy in a fundamental way. Definitely, this is not a very entertaining conversation for those who are looking to be comfortable, enjoy the moment and take it easy. Nonetheless, the information challenging "the end of the world" script is breaking through the controlled narrative. Obviously this is by no happenstance but rather the product of active discussion by individuals. Countless authentic individuals doing their due diligence have effectively rouse opposition to the story. That's the positive message to take away from this melodrama unfolding before our eyes.

Please see these if you seek evidence:

We find ourselves today as witnesses of great theater. Tragically, we've seen this show before.

Government manipulated statistics is nothing new, but people continue to fall for the same trick. They dutifully exploit our lack of knowledge. People still believe it because it impacts them at a deeply unconscious level; fear is a very raw emotion. The script was repeated ad-nauseam by the experts, the celebrities and especially the politicians. The message was even heard by those that don't tune into the "news." They heard a rallying call to action by the same corporate media that repeatedly lied to get us into disastrous wars. Of-course, a measure of healthy skepticism is in order --we shouldn't rush to label everything we see as "conspiracy" either.



The intention with my quest to find forbidden truths is to liberate my own mind. Eventually, I like to help others do the same in their own unique way. I take the idea of freedom very seriously. However, as of lately I have stumbled and lost my balance. A strong part of me wants to capriciously challenge people's fear over the corona virus. This child-like part in me is satisfied with ridiculing others who disagree with me. This penchant for rebellion in me can be both good and bad. In this context, I can acknowledge that while this may satisfy my ego it actually detaches me from others.


This detachment is something I am becoming comfortable because a part of me feels justified. In this hamster-wheel I find myself reevaluating my actions. It struck me that this action is borne out of anger, and is essentially operating in the same dimension of fear.

My ego tells me I am "justified" in ridiculing peoples' ignorance, but my intuition says I am disguising my fear with anger. In this moment of meditation I found something in me that I like to banish with honesty. I am afraid of the uncertainty. I am angry with people's succumbing to lies. I feel powerless to change people's minds. When I enter the supermarket and see Others wearing masks, gloves and keeping their distance I want to yell out in anger. This inner-tension keeps in turmoil which has caused issues in my personal relationships.

Everything is interconnected.

We are here to create peace and abundance.

It is highly important to educate ourselves on all the pertinent data that debunks the corona myth. Above all, it is even more important to contextualize our knowledge with the use of our intuition. When we embrace our righteous, "justifiable" anger we detach ourselves from Others'. This stress will cascade to all aspects of our being. Filling our mind, body and spirit with tension will cause our own downfall. Let us not forget that we are having a human experience in which we are beguiled by Ego. The struggle for human freedom depends on actions that bridge the gap between people. Freedom will come from mutual understanding, compassion and above all a mutual respect. .

I lost my balance and spoke in anger, I lost my peace. In this moment of truth I WILL find the strength to create peace in my world.

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I am here to make friends and create bountiful conspiracies.
I am here to manifest abundance
and connect with authentic individuals.
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