An Unexpected Journey with a Wise Fox.... Hive Naija Prompt!!!


I stood in my living room one Saturday morning, already done with the humongous tasks I'd planned out for the day. Facing the window as I held a glass cup filled with some warm coffee that was almost finished while staring outside, seeing different people walking to and fro, cars moving and honking, and bike riders doing their work. I heaved a silent sigh after a few minutes of being clouded with thoughts, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on me. I had grown tiresome with the usual routine and it felt as if the walls of my room were closing in.

"I need a break from this repetitive cycle," I said to myself as I dropped the glass cup after sipping the last drop, grabbed my jacket and decided to take a stroll through the nearby woods.


As I wandered deeper into the forest, the once familiar route began to change. The trees appeared taller, their trunks thicker, and the air glimmered and vibrated out of the ordinary. Moving forward, the path was covered in a fog, tempting me to keep going with an attraction that seemed inexplicable.

I was drawn by an unseen force, and I kept following the trail until I got to a small, secluded clearing. There appeared a massive and ancient oak tree in the center of the clearing whose branches spread out like the arms of a guardian asking for an embrace. As I approached, I heard the leaves cracking which startled me and made me stop in my tracks.

Then behold, a big creature emerged from the shadows, I stared silently and saw that it was a fox with fur as white as snow and its eyes glowing like embers stepping into the clearing. I blinked, it was certain I was imagining things, but the fox stared directly at me, with an intelligent and piercing gaze.

"Welcome, young lady," the fox spoke finally, its voice so clear and melodic, sounding in my native language. I gasped, unable to comprehend what I just heard.

"Who... who are you?" I stammered, followed by a small vibration in me, my heart racing with both fear and curiosity.


"I am Zephyr," the fox replied, sitting gracefully on its haunches. Then continued, "I am the guardian of these woods and keeper of ancient secrets. I see through everyone who treads this path feeling lost just like you. I have sensed your weariness and have come to render you guidance."

I was hesitant and with a step forward, still shocked at the encounter, asked, "How is this possible? How can you speak my language? Wait, how did you know it's my language too?" I was so curious to get answers.

Zephyr's eyes sparkled with a knowing light. "I will tell you what you need to know. This forest you found yourself in is a place where boundaries between worlds blur. In here, lies the impossible becoming possible, and the unseen reveals itself to those who want answers to whatever is troubling and confusing them.

Suddenly, I felt a rush of enthusiasm and wonder. "Why have you come to me?"

Zephyr tilted her head, her expression gentle yet wise. "You have been lost in the world, your spirit constantly craving for something more. You didn't just walk the path through these woods only but through the corridors of your heart and mind. I am here to remind you that there's still a magic that exists within and around you."


I was filled with awe at those words, leading me through my mind and thoughts, and then I was taken aback as Zephyr continued, "The world is filled with wonders than you can ever imagine or fathom. There are beautiful things that speak of beauty and majestic embrace, but they are often hidden behind the veil of everyday life. One thing to hold onto first is to learn to see beyond the ordinary, to find the extraordinary in the simple things of life."

I felt a strong touch in me, "What must I do, Zephyr?" I asked, eager to embrace the wisdom of this mysterious creature.

"Don't force things to be. Trust in the journey," Zephyr said softly. "Don't act like you know it all, embrace the unknown and let go of your fears. Though you may feel uncertain about the path ahead, know that it is in the uncertainty that your true strength and purpose are found. You are never alone. The magic of this world is always with you, waiting to be revealed."

Those words sank in and at that point, the fog began to lift, and the forest around me began to shimmer with newfound hope. I felt a miraculous connection to the world, a sense of adventure and possibility ignited in my heart.

Zephyr glanced at me once more, turned around and disappeared into the woods, leaving me standing in the clearing. I became filled with a sense of awe and determination crept in.

In an instant, I knew my life would never remain the same after my encounter with the mysterious creature. I have been touched by a magic that would change everything for me and guide me through the days ahead.

With renewed energy, I made my way back home, Zephyr's words echoing in my mind, reminding me of the extraordinary possibilities that lay beyond the ordinary.

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