I like how this question is very well Nigerianly put. Otherwise, explain to me the reason why a remedy for 'sickness' is sort. Is treating not a doctor's job? If it had ended at seeking ones for cough and fever, it'll be a lot more understandable considering that those are little things that we, as individuals could do to help ourselves without visiting a hospital.


But well, since I am guessing a Nigerian came through on this one, I believe he/she thought this up in the common knowledge that every one of us, particularly Africans(Nigerians) think of ourselves as doctors. There's barely a need to visit the hospital, as, if you do not know how best to attack an ailment, your neighbour does. It's just like, we don't think there's any other serious ailment that we could be faced with asides malaria and/or typhoid. Somehow too, that works for us.
I can't go looking but I once made a post about this behavior of ours. Was in the comedyopebmic community, I recall.

I digress.

Growing up, I never had to go by a hospital. I've actually never been to a hospital -for all I remember- for the reason that I was sick. Usually, my mother knew what to do, as did my dad. And unless the health deteriorated, they had us treated from the numerous medications they kept for emergency situations as that. I've grown to know that it's same in most homes, especially with mothers who have young children.

Back then, in a box, we had: panadol, paracetamol, astymin, vitamin c, nutri c, procold, etcetera etcetera.
I truly can not remember the names of all the medications cause I hated them all. Thankfully, I din't get to fall ill frequently so I avoided that box. Plus, it made me nauseous; the smell of those drugs.

When any one of us went down with cold, first my parents made sure to turn off all home chillers and close up the place, then they made us bath warm water and rubbed us over with palm kernel oil(Is it just me or this particular oil is very effective?), we wore clothing upon clothing and covered even with socks(occassionally openiing a part of our vodies to some fresh air), we would then be given hot beverages and subsequently, paracetamol. Due to decreased appetite, lots of liquids and fruits are taken too.

For cough, we equally avoided cold drinks and food. My mum would massage our throats gently with a clothe soaked in warm water and then they'll make us take honey which was said to disassociate the cough-sputum, one from another.
My father liked to take bitter kola when he had cough but the rest of us stayed away. I wonder how he could stand that awful taste. The main thing though, was that it worked for him.

Another method, was to take lime or lemon juice, maybe squeezing it into a moderate quantity of water. I have come to learn of recent that this is good for gut health so I can understand how it worked then.
I recall too, that an aunt once made my big brother rub his throat against a wall. I hate to think of it cause it feels to me like it would hurt. You know what though, it worked. And that's according to my bro. The cough cleared.

And if we got down with a sickness and any one of the remedies applied at home don't seem to get us fast relief, then, we went by a pharmacy, and got prescriptions. We don't go much to hospitals around here unless the situation is severe.
That's just the truth.

Until date, I haven't deviated from these simple home remedies for when I get a cough or fever. It's most unlikely that any one of the tips there don't work. Around here, we have a home solution to virtually every minor health-anomaly and we always see results. There is boiling herbs that works well for stomach problems and fevers and malaria. Theres home made ORS. There's a home remedy too for teeth problems. Name what ailment that youre faced with and you'll be given an Actual home remedy," in every sense of it, that likely would not involve medications but would give a lasting solution.
That's just that.

It's amazing how we humans can be so hands-on and know how to use the resources at our disposal to our best use, don't you think?

Thanks for gracing this post.

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