Solo’s weekly picks: Lunch

Eating a meal mid way through the day is important, if you are working hard and spending many calories its very much needed. Honestly when I am out on the farm or out and about I sometimes skip my lunch, probably not best. But I keep a bunch of meat sticks in my bag to keep me feed until I can eat something more substantial.

This week I found some posts about making or eating lunch by some Hive plankton and minnows. I collected them in this post and wanted to share them with the community.

Here are five posts about lunch:

[Esp/Eng] ✨ Pan trenzado con papelón. // Braided bread with panela.✨ by @valenpba


Making some tasty break they take us through the step to make your own at home. I was a little confused by what they meant as “paper” in the ingredients. But overall still a great post. Probably something lost in translation I am guessing.

| El peor almuerzo ejecutivo que he comido by @iamsaray


With plans of having a nice lunch it did not all work out that way, they were quite unhappy with their meal. The rice came out hard and the meat was not pleasant. Its always a shame when you visit a restaurant and get sub par food.

I Prepared Pork Adobo here in France by @itravelrox


Cooking some tasty meat in soy sauce, vinegar and some lemonade it comes out with that classic adobo flavor. Looks like they had a nice meal together.

Exquisite fried chicken served with rice and vegetable salad, a lunch to share. By @axlenrique28


Making some white and cooking some chicken they make a nice lunch for themselves. Along with some tasty veggies it looks like it all came together nicely.

Comiendo la Vida es más Bonita [ESP/ENG] by @ladyunicorn


Going out to eat with their dad it helped to make the mood better after realizing they ran out of stuff to eat at home in the fridge. After eating he felt better and they were quite happy with how the food came out there.

Thats my five picks for this week, come back next week to see
Solo's next weekly picks. I curate posts every Tuesday and do this through MSP. Thanks so much to the Minnow Support Group for giving me the opportunity to serve as a curator!

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