Sensaciones explosivas (Explosive sensations)

Este retrato me dio consuelo, por una noche. Te explico...

Solo sentia la necesidad de estar sola, pensar y pensar detenidamente, buscando la falla, el error de que ocasiono mi situacion, suelo reprenderme a mi misma y decirme porque no buscastes la manera o quizas no objete correctamente a la situacion en la que me encontraba.
Siento como mi cuerpo comienza a tensar como mi garganta pide desatar el nudo de auxilo (pero para que)..? Si yo misma debo confrontar este mar de sentimientos, y no solo sentimiento "cargas" responsabilidad, necesidad. Ohhh algo desesperante para una chica de temprana edad. Que rabia!!
La misma rabia que ocasiona una cascada de emociones, angustia, dolor, desesperacion, agonia.
Este compañero solitario que esta detras de mi, claramente me atrajo...

Con su mirada triste, vacia y perdida me identifique.
Su silencio en esa boca caida y triste me derrumbo. Y es ironico, estaba listo para la ocasion. Pero, en esta ocasion no tenia valor, o razon alguna para sonreir solo quedo retractado triste y solo como me siento yo, suelo ser la payasa mas loca pero de que me sirve si no estoy conmigo misma, ni espiritual ni corporalmente, pero aqui estoy llena de un poco de paz y desahogo luego de varias horas de llanto, dolor y desconsuelo. Yo puedo, Tu puedes, Todos podemos solo libera y manten la calma suele ayudar.

This portrait gave me comfort, for one night. I explain ... I only felt the need to be alone, think and think carefully, looking for the fault, the error that caused my situation, I usually reprimand myself and tell me why you did not look for the way or maybe I did not object correctly to the situation in which you are looking for me . I feel like my body begins to tense as my throat asks to untie the aid knot (but for what) ..? If I myself must confront this sea of ​​feelings, and not just feeling "burdens", responsibility, need. Ohhh something maddening for a young girl. What rage !! The same rage that causes a cascade of emotions, anguish, pain, despair, agony. aassfff I JUST WANT TO CRY. This lonely fellow behind me clearly attracted me ... ! ) With his sad, empty and lost look I identified myself. His silence in that sad and fallen mouth collapsed. And it's ironic, I was ready for the occasion. But, on this occasion I had no courage, or any reason to smile, I only remain sad and sad and just how I feel, I am usually the craziest clown but what good is it if I am not with myself, neither spiritually nor physically, but here I am full of a little peace and relief after several hours of crying, pain and grief. I can, You can, We can all just release and keep calm usually helps.

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