
Hola comunidad Hive, gusto en saludarles, la publicación de hoy es una narración sobre mi historia, la de mi madre, la de mis hermanos y como nos tocó el COVID-19 para siempre…

Hace un año, el 9 de abril 2021, partió hacia otro plano mi madre debido a que se contagio de COVID-19… Esto sucede en medio del primer año de cuarentena radical en mi país, en esa fecha aun no había ingresado vacunas contra el virus, como todos saben, al ingresar las mutaciones del virus, la que mas causo muertes fue la variante DELTA. Creo que, quien no haya vivido esto en carne propia quizás no lo crea, (aunque aun hay muchos que no creen que la pandemia existe), solo veíamos en TV, las declaraciones oficiales del número de casos por contagios y el número de fallecidos, pero jamas pensamos que pasaríamos por semejante virus.

Uno de mis hermano mayores entre el 12 y 18 Marzo de 2021, estuvo enfermo con una tos y gripe que luego fue agobiando su cuerpo y el cual en medio de infusiones de plantas medicinales no lograba superar dicho malestar, fue entonces cuando el 18 de Marzo de 2021, el se levanta, y le dice a mi madre, que lo acompañara al medico porque sentía que le faltaba el aire (disnea), esto sin pensar que estábamos en medio del huracán, yo al verlos le pregunté ¿A donde van? Me responden, “vamos al medico porque Humberto se siente muy mal y dice que le falta el aire”, lo lleva a un ambulatorio cercano, el cual por los síntomas, le dan una orden medica para realizarse la prueba PCR, “esta ya estaban ingresando al país”, es llevado luego a un Hospital provisional Centinela, creado en el Poliedro de Caracas como política Nacional en la lucha contra el COVID-19, allí se dispusieron carpas militares para pacientes en los alrededores y dentro de la cúpula del Poliedro de Caracas. Es en ese momento donde nos quitaron un velo del rostro, cuando caemos en cuenta sobre esta horrible enfermedad que causó tantas muertes a nivel mundial.


Mi madre de regreso a casa nos cuenta, “Humberto ha salido Positivo a la prueba PCR, lo han dejado hospitalizado”, ademas nos informa qué todos debemos realizarnos la prueba para descartar contagios, en el apartamento donde vivía mi madre solo estaba ella y dos hijos (mis hermanos mayores), esa noche del 18 de marzo del 2021, mi madre empezó a presentar fiebre, el cual no durmió bien, al amanecer mi hermana menor me llama y me informa que debemos llevar a mi madre al medico porque pasó la noche con fiebre, me vestí y me fui a buscarla para llevarla, esto en contra de su voluntad porque decía que, aunque tenia fiebre estaba bien...La llevamos al mismo lugar donde estaba mi hermano hospitalizado, le realizan la prueba PCR y sale positiva, por el cual la ingresan y la hospitalizan, de regreso a casa, le informamos a mi otro hermano que debía realizarse la prueba, el nos contesta que el no tiene ningún malestar pero que igual iría a realizarse la prueba el día siguiente, al amanecer del 19 de Marzo, mi hermano se realiza la prueba y sale positivo, el cual lo ingresan y hospitalizan. Algo que me llamó la atención sobre las pruebas PCR fue que, cuando te entregaban el resultado en el papel indicaba el porcentaje de carga de virus en el cuerpo, el primer hermano (Humberto) que ingresó tenia 44% de carga, mi madre tenia 43% de carga y mi ultimo hermano (Nelson) tenia 70% de carga, es decir, mi hermano era asintomático. Es allí donde empezó nuestra lucha y corredera como familia para lograr que todos salieran con vida de ese hospital Centinela. Fueron 22 largos días de ver cosas asombrosas, personas bajarse de sus carros y dar solo unos pasos y caer muertos, ver morir cada media hora personas por paros cardiorespitarios…Estos momentos nos llenaron de angustia.

Cabe destacar, que en los centros de salud para pacientes COVID-19 estaba prohibido el ingreso de familiares, amigos decir, cualquier cosa que quisiéramos saber, así como el ingreso de comida, ropa etc...esto se dejaba en la entrada del hospital en un toldo preparado para esto, sin embargo, nosotros como familiares al ver a nuestra madre y dos hermanos hospitalizados hicimos lo imposible para ingresar al centro y estar con ellos.

Mi primer hermano (Humberto) quien fue al que llevamos primero, comenzó a decaer cada día, duró una semana decayendo, que hasta pensamos que se nos iba de este plano...fueron días terribles, mi madre a pesar de la Bronquitis que presentó se sintió muy bien durante la primera semana, y mi otro hermano (Nelson) no presentó síntomas sino hasta el cuarto día que le dio fiebre, pero de alli no pasó… a todos le fue suministrado el Kit-COVID-19, que eran una serie de medicamento para combatir el virus, los que presentaban infecciones se les suministraba antibióticos intravenosos, entre ellos ha Humberto y mi madre.

Muchas cosas pasaron y vimos en las instalaciones del poliedro de caracas en los días, horas y semanas que pasamos mientras mis familiares estaban recluidos.
• Las carpas dispuestas para pacientes estaban muy lejos de las carpas de tratamiento medico y de oxigeno por lo cual los pacientes que se sentían muy mal morían en sus camillas, los médicos ni enfermeros iban a las carpas de pacientes.
• El orden y la disciplina en el lugar era lo que se veía, ya que el centro estaba bajo el mando de la FANB (Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana) en la parte medica, habían tanto militares, civiles y médicos cubanos quienes prestaban ayuda también.
• Los pacientes masculinos y femeninos estaban en carpas diferentes para mantener el orden y la seguridad.
• En la cúpula del Poliedro jamas logramos saber que sucedía y que había allí, solo veíamos a médicos entrar y salir, así como ver pacientes entrar, salir vivos y otros en bolsas negras.
• No había área para cuidados intermedios e intensivos para pacientes que necesitaron ser intubados, esto agravó la situación de muchos pacientes que murieron por falta de atención correcta.


En esta semana, mi mamá estuvo estable, pero mi hermano Humberto muy grave, a pesar que nunca vimos ninguna carpa habilitada para pacientes de cuidados intermedios e intensivos, hicimos muchas cosas para intentar proporcionarle oxigeno el cual no logramos obtenerle, a pesar de esto, le colocábamos mentoles, alcohol frotándole la espalda, infusiones de plantas medicinales, sin embargo, no veíamos mejoría, hasta que una llamada telefónica de mi sobrina, quien se encontraba fuera del país, hizo que sacara fuerzas de donde no tenia para levantarse de la camilla y caminar hasta la carpa donde colocaban los tratamientos, a partir de ese momento poco a poco logro avanzar a su salvación, mi otro hermano, no pasó por ningún mal mayor mas allá de la fiebre.




Esta semana, decidimos como familia no exponernos y decidimos no ingresar al Hospital Centinela para evitar contagiarnos, solo íbamos a llevarles comida, ropa y estar pendientes de ellos, subíamos a una loma para verlos desde la lejanía y llamábamos por teléfono, les dábamos ánimos y que pronto estaríamos juntos nuevamente, así pasaron esos días.



Luego de durar unos días sin entrar al poliedro, decidimos entrar el lunes 3 de abril, nuestra sorpresa fue que Humberto estaba mejorando muy lentamente, mi otro hermano Nelson fue dado de alta luego de haberse repetido la prueba PCR al finalizar el tratamiento, pero nuestra madre no se había levantado ese fin de semana de su camilla, cuando la vimos, ya estaba débil y estaba decayendo, esto nos alarmó a todos, empezamos a movernos con ella para llevarla a la carpa de tratamientos a que el medico la revisara, le fue suministrado algunos antibióticos sin ver mejoría en ella, al siguiente día amaneció peor, el martes 4 de Marzo comenzó a faltarle Oxigeno (Disnea), al verla en ese estado mis hermanas deciden quedarse en las noches para estar pendiente de ella, ese mismo día deciden hacer el traslado a mi madre y mi hermano a otro centro de salud, estuvimos con ellos hasta que fueron abordados a una ambulancia para ser trasladados, al nosotros llegar a casa, recibimos una llamada de mi hermano informándonos que se devolvían al poliedro porque en el centro de salud a donde los habían mandado no los aceptaban porque no habían camas disponibles, el traslado fue infructuoso.




Luego de ver la mejoría lenta de Humberto nos concentramos en mi madre quien ya empezaba empeorar, para ingresarla a la carpa(carpa blanca) donde colocaban el Oxigeno tuvimos que hacer cola una noche entera y esperar que lamentablemente alguien muriera (esa era la cruda realidad) para ingresarla. El 5 de abril, a las 5:00 am del día muere otra paciente y mi hermana corre a agarrar la camilla y el concentrador de oxigeno que tenia dispuesta la señora, ingresa a mi madre y le empezamos a colocar Oxigeno, el concentrador se apagaba cuando se recalentaba, intentamos pedir una bombona de oxigeno pero se nos pedía que trajéramos el manómetro para ellos poder suministrar oxigeno, ya que decían que no podían quitarles el manómetro a los pacientes que ya lo tenían; entramos en desespero porque las horas pasaban y mi madre iba empeorando, empezamos a buscar y solicitar un manómetro por todos los medios posibles siendo infructuoso encontrarlo, sin embargo, ya con tantos días dentro de Hospital Centinela ya muchos nos conocían, tanto médicos, militares y civiles, así que empezamos a pedir ayuda a los soldados que hacían los cambios de bombonas de oxigeno. El día 7 de abril, un soldado logró conseguirnos un manómetro, aunque este estaba reparado. El día 8 de abril mi madre ya no le llegaba oxigeno correctamente, cae inconsciente, ya estábamos en cuenta de lo que se aproximaba, así que los presentes decidimos llamar al resto de los hermanos (somos 9 hermanos en total).


Al llegar el día 9 de abril del 2021, ya todos estábamos en el Hospital Centinela desde muy temprano, mi madre se estaba complicando, ademas con su problema de Diabetes y Tensión, fueron pasando los minutos y las horas y cada vez empeoraba, a eso de las 10:00 am, presentó un paro respiratorio, fuimos desalojados del espacio mientras los médicos de guardia intentaban auxiliarla, logrando hacerla reaccionar, mi madre vuelve, siguen colocándole tratamiento, luego entra en un coma diabético el cual ameritó tratamiento para esto, luego a las 2:00 pm, vuelve a sufrir otro paro respiratorio, la vuelven auxiliar y logran estabilizarla, sin embargo, sus signos vitales ya estaban comenzando a disminuir… fue entonces a las 3:30 pm, cuando finalmente el desenlace fue fatal...mi madre presenta otro paro respiratorio y fallece después de haber luchado contra ese malvado virus, entre llantos, gritos, impotencia y frustración vimos morir a nuestra madre sin poder hacer nada para ayudarla.

Mi madre es sacada de la carpa y llevada a donde mantenían a los fallecidos. Allí mismo en ese centro realizaron el acta medica de defunción, de allí la trasladan a un camión cava-refrigerante dispuesto para los fallecidos, nos regresamos a casa todos cansados, frustrados, impotentes y en shock por lo sucedido. Al siguiente día no dirigimos nuevamente al poliedro para ver como seria la entrega de cuerpo de mi madre y ver como seguía mi hermano Humberto (seguía hospitalizado); al llegar nos encontramos con la sorpresa de que debíamos retirar el cuerpo de mi madre antes de que pasaran las 24 horas luego de su fallecimiento, si no lo realizábamos en el transcurso de ese tiempo seria enterrada en una fosa común, esto nos indigno mucho, empezamos a correr en busca de funerarias para realizar el sepelio, el personal de medicatura forense nos informan que no podía ser cualquier funeraria, que debía ser con las funerarias autorizadas por el Estado para el entierro de pacientes fallecidos por COVID-19, así que buscamos una de las funerarias autorizadas por el Estado para realizar el retiro y sepelio de mi madre, al llegar a la funeraria el día 10 de abril a las 8:00 am, quedamos sorprendidos por la cantidad de personas esperando por sus familiares fallecidos, ahí nos dimos cuenta que los servicios funerarios estaban colapsados al igual que los hospitales, pasamos todo el día y parte de la tarde-noche en la funeraria,sin embargo, logramos que la funeraria se encargara del retiro del cuerpo de las instalaciones del Poliedro de Caracas, nos marchamos a casa, un amigo cercano a la familia, con contactos en el gobierno nos ayudó en la parte funeraria, cuando el cuerpo de mi madre llego a la funeraria y nos dan el pase para entrar ya todo estaba arreglado,gracias a ese amigo… el día del entierro fue de mayor dolor y tristeza porque no pudimos darle un sepelio a nuestra madre como quisimos, por ser un fallecido COVID-19 debimos estar alejados del ataúd unos metros, sin mucha gente, mas allá se sus hijos,nietos y bisnietos, solo logramos acercarnos cuando la enterraron..! una semana luego, mi hermano Humberto salio de alta y con vida para seguir adelante.

Ha pasado 1 año y pareciera que fue ayer que todo ésto pasó, recuerdo cada día, momentos y eventos que sucedieron en esas instalaciones… Solo me queda tu recuerdo como una buena mujer y excelente madre: responsable, noble, carismática, amorosa, cariñosa, bondadosa, respetuosa y muy creyente.


Cada día te recuerdo y llevo en mi mente tu rostro, tanto en vida como en tus últimos segundos de respiración...Te recordaré por siempre, Te amo mamá y te extraño...Honor y Gloria a esas millones de almas que se fueron a causa de este terrible virus y felicidades a aquellos que logramos hasta ahora superar la pandemia gracias a las vacunas que surgieron con la ciencia..


Hello Hive community, pleasure to greet you, today's publication is a narration about my story, my mother's story, my brothers' story and how COVID-19 touched us for good...

One year ago, on April 9, 2021, my mother left for another plane because she was infected with COVID-19... This happened in the middle of the first year of radical quarantine in my country, at that time there was still no vaccine against the virus, as everyone knows, when the virus mutations were introduced, the one that caused the most deaths was the DELTA variant. I think that those who have not experienced this in the flesh may not believe it (although there are still many who do not believe that the pandemic exists), we only saw on TV, the official statements of the number of cases of infection and the number of deaths, but we never thought that we would go through such a virus.

One of my older brother between March 12 and 18, 2021, was sick with a cough and flu that then was overwhelming his body and which in the middle of infusions of medicinal plants could not overcome such discomfort, it was then that on March 18, 2021, he gets up and tells my mother to accompany him to the doctor because he felt short of breath (dyspnea), this without thinking that we were in the middle of the hurricane, I saw them and asked where are they going? They answered me, "we are going to the doctor because Humberto feels very bad and says that he is short of breath", they took him to a nearby ambulatory, which due to the symptoms, they gave him a medical order to perform the PCR test, "this was already entering the country", he was then taken to a provisional Sentinel Hospital, created in the Poliedro of Caracas as a National policy in the fight against COVID-19, there military tents were set up for patients in the surroundings and inside the dome of the Poliedro of Caracas. It is at that moment when a veil was removed from our faces, when we become aware of this horrible disease that caused so many deaths worldwide.


My mother back home tells us, "Humberto has come out positive to the PCR test, they have left him hospitalized", also informs us that we all must take the test to rule out infection, in the apartment where my mother lived there was only her and two children (my older brothers), that night of March 18, 2021, At dawn my younger sister calls me and informs me that we must take my mother to the doctor because she spent the night with fever, I got dressed and went to pick her up to take her, this against her will because she said that although she had a fever she was fine. We took her to the same place where my brother was hospitalized, they performed the PCR test and it came out positive, for which she was admitted and hospitalized, back home, we informed my other brother that he should be tested, he told us that he did not have any discomfort but that he would still go for the test the next day, at dawn on March 19, my brother took the test and it came out positive, he was admitted and hospitalized. Something that caught my attention about the PCR tests was that when they gave you the result on the paper it indicated the percentage of virus load in the body, the first brother (Humberto) who was admitted had 44% load, my mother had 43% load and my last brother (Nelson) had 70% load, that is to say, my brother was asymptomatic. It was there where our fight and struggle began as a family to get everyone out of that sentinel hospital alive. It was 22 long days of seeing amazing things, people getting out of their cars and taking only a few steps and dropping dead, seeing people die every half hour from cardiorespiratory arrest... These moments filled us with anguish.

It is worth mentioning that in the health centers for COVID-19 patients it was forbidden the entrance of relatives, friends etc...that is to say, anything we wanted to know, as well as the entrance of food, clothes etc...this was left at the entrance of the hospital in an awning prepared for this, however, we as relatives when we saw our mother and two brothers hospitalized we did the impossible to enter the center and be with them.

My first brother (Humberto) who was the one we took first, began to decline every day, he lasted a week declining, we even thought he would leave this plane.... they were terrible days, my mother in spite of the Bronchitis she presented felt very well during the first week, and my other brother (Nelson) did not present symptoms until the fourth day when he had a fever, but he did not go beyond that... everyone was given the Kit-COVID-19, which was a series of medicines to fight the virus, those who presented infections were given intravenous antibiotics, among them Humberto and my mother.

Many things happened and we saw in the facilities of the Caracas Polyhedron in the days, hours and weeks that we spent while my relatives were confined.
- The tents set up for patients were far away from the tents for medical treatment and oxygen, so the patients who felt very bad died on their stretchers, the doctors and nurses did not go to the patients' tents.
- The order and discipline in the place was what was seen, since the center was under the command of the FANB (National Bolivarian Armed Forces) in the medical part, there were both military, civilians and Cuban doctors who also provided assistance.
- Male and female patients were in different tents to maintain order and security.
- In the dome of the Poliedro we never got to know what was going on and what was there, we only saw doctors going in and out, as well as seeing patients going in, coming out alive and others in black bags.
- There was no area for intermediate and intensive care for patients who needed to be intubated, this aggravated the situation of many patients who died for lack of proper care.


During this week, my mother was stable, but my brother Humberto was very serious, although we never saw any tent enabled for intermediate and intensive care patients, we did many things to try to provide oxygen which we could not get, despite this, we put menthol, alcohol rubbing his back, infusions of medicinal plants, however, we did not see any improvement, until a phone call from my niece, who was out of the country, made her get up from where she had no strength to get up from the stretcher and walk to the tent where the treatments were placed, from that moment on, little by little she managed to advance to her salvation, my other brother, did not go through any major illness beyond the fever.




This week, we decided as a family not to expose ourselves and decided not to enter the Sentinel Hospital to avoid contagion, we were only going to take them food, clothes and be aware of them, we climbed a hill to see them from afar and called them by phone, we encouraged them and that soon we would be together again, so those days went by.



After a few days without entering the polyhedron, we decided to enter on Monday April 3rd, our surprise was that Humberto was improving very slowly, my other brother Nelson was discharged after having repeated the PCR test at the end of the treatment, but our mother had not gotten up that weekend from her stretcher, when we saw her, she was already weak and was declining, this alarmed us all, we started to move with her to take her to the treatment tent to be checked by the doctor, she was given some antibiotics without seeing any improvement in her, The next day dawned worse, on Tuesday March 4th she began to lack oxygen (Dyspnea), seeing her in that state my sisters decided to stay at night to be aware of her, that same day decided to make the transfer to my mother and my brother to another health center, We were with them until they were taken to an ambulance to be transferred, when we arrived home, we received a call from my brother informing us that they were being returned to the polyhedron because the health center where they had been sent did not accept them because there were no beds available, the transfer was unsuccessful.




After seeing Humberto's slow improvement we concentrated on my mother who was already starting to get worse, to admit her to the tent where the oxygen was placed we had to stand in line all night and wait for someone to die (that was the harsh reality) to admit her. On April 5th, at 5: 00 am of the day another patient died and my sister ran to grab the stretcher and the oxygen concentrator that the lady had available, she admitted my mother and we began to put oxygen, the concentrator turned off when it overheated, we tried to ask for an oxygen cylinder but we were asked to bring the pressure gauge for them to provide oxygen, as they said they could not remove the pressure gauge to patients who already had it; We became desperate because the hours passed and my mother was getting worse, we began to look for and request a manometer by all possible means, being unsuccessful to find it, however, after so many days in the Centinela Hospital, many people already knew us, doctors, military and civilians, so we began to ask for help to the soldiers who were changing the oxygen cylinders. On April 7, a soldier managed to get us a manometer, although it was repaired. On April 8th my mother was no longer getting oxygen properly, she fell unconscious, we were already aware of what was coming, so those present decided to call the rest of the siblings (we are 9 siblings in total).


On April 9, 2021, we were all at the Centinela Hospital since very early in the morning, my mother was getting complicated, also with her Diabetes and Blood Pressure problem, the minutes and hours went by and she was getting worse and worse, at about 10:00 am, she presented a respiratory arrest, we were evacuated while the doctors on duty were trying to help her, they managed to get her to react, my mother came back, they continued to treat her, then she went into a diabetic coma: 00 am, she presented a respiratory arrest, we were evicted from the space while the doctors on duty tried to help her, managing to get her to react, my mother returned, they continued to treat her, then she went into a diabetic coma which required treatment for this, then at 2:00 pm, she suffered another respiratory arrest, they helped her again and managed to stabilize her, however, her vital signs were already beginning to decline ... it was then at 3:30 pm, when finally the outcome was fatal. mother presented another respiratory arrest and died after having fought against that evil virus, between cries, screams, helplessness and frustration we saw our mother die without being able to do anything to help her.

My mother was taken out of the tent and taken to where they kept the deceased. From there she was transferred to a refrigerator truck prepared for the deceased. We all returned home tired, frustrated, impotent and shocked by what had happened. The next day we went again to the polyhedron to see how my mother's body would be delivered and to see how my brother Humberto was doing (he was still hospitalized); When we arrived we were surprised to find that we had to remove my mother's body within 24 hours after her death, if we did not do it within that time she would be buried in a common grave, this made us very indignant, we began to run in search of funeral homes to carry out the burial, The forensic medicine personnel informed us that it could not be just any funeral home, it had to be with the funeral homes authorized by the State for the burial of patients deceased by COVID-19, so we looked for one of the funeral homes authorized by the State to perform the removal and burial of my mother, when we arrived at the funeral home on April 10 at 8:00 a.m., we were surprised to find that the funeral home was not authorized by the State: 00 am, we were surprised by the amount of people waiting for their deceased relatives, there we realized that the funeral services were collapsed as well as the hospitals, we spent the whole day and part of the afternoon and evening at the funeral home, however, we were able to get the funeral home to open the funeral parlor, We managed to get the funeral home to take care of the removal of the body from the Poliedro de Caracas, we went home, a close friend of the family, with contacts in the government helped us in the funeral part, when the body of my mother arrived at the funeral home and they gave us the pass to enter everything was already arranged, thanks to this friend.... The day of the burial was the most painful and sad because we could not give our mother a burial as we wanted, for being a COVID-19 deceased we had to be a few meters away from the coffin, without many people, beyond her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, we could only get closer when she was buried. A week later, my brother was discharged and was alive to move on.

It has been 1 year and it seems like yesterday that all this happened, I remember every day, moments and events that happened in those facilities... I only remember you as a good woman and excellent mother: responsible, noble, charismatic, loving, affectionate, kind, respectful and very believing... I remember you every day and I carry in my mind your face, both in life and in your last seconds of breathing... I will remember you forever.


Every day I remember you and I carry in my mind your face, both in life and in your last seconds of breathing...I will remember you forever, I love you mom and I miss you...Honor and Glory to those millions of souls who left because of this terrible virus and congratulations to those who managed to overcome the pandemic so far thanks to the vaccines that emerged with science…

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