Do your kids need to know about your emotional breakdown?

Children are really sensitive when it comes to happenings around them no matter how hard we try to hide it but does that warrant throwing those emotional anger,stress, defeat in their face just because they already perceive something is wrong?

I visited my sister today and I met her amazing kids looking sober. Her eldest daughter whispered some secrets to me about how her mom had been behaving lately and it wasn't funny to me at all. She literally transferred her aggression on the kids making them understand that she was indeed going through some marriage crisis. These kids felt it was wrong to run around and play like children would want to because they were scared their mom would yell at every slight mistake.

I felt the heaviness in their hearts and I understood how much they wanted everything to be fine. My niece literally told me she missed her mommy and I knew what that meant. I couldn't leave them in that state so I took them for a short walk in the estate where they reside to play and at least breathe some fresh air. They were super excited and felt like kids again.

In my opinion, It's not right for a parent to transfer his or her aggression whatsoever on children. They are harmless creatures that know nothing even though they feel something may be wrong, it's in our place to let them know that whatever may have gone wrong would be fixed immediately. Try to make them happy, try to make them forget that there's an underlying issue. Kids can be even more sober than adults and it affects them mentally, educationally and physically.

When a home isn't comfortable anymore for a child, he or she tends to want to be somewhere else that's peaceful, filled with laughter and friendship because that's all they need now as they grow. Friendship with children is very important, make friends with your child and remain that way whether or not you're going through something. There's a proper way to relate things to them to their understanding than just yelling, pacing around the house crying or hissing and breaking things.

Like I said before they do perceive when their mommy and daddy is having a fight or when their single mom or dad is annoyed at something or going through some emotional stress.

Don't avoid them because you're upset, play with them like you used to, relate a few of what you're going through to them but make sure you're positive at the end. Remember that you're their first super hero and if you fail to fix things then they can't trust you in times of when they face trouble because they'll feel you can't handle it. Make them feel comfortable around you, these kids are amazing and can be the best medicine to any type of stress. When they understand what's going on, you see them waking up early to give you warm hugs, kisses on the forehead like you do to them and they may even go extra to wanting to make you some tea. To enjoy this beautiful experience with your child/children make them your best friend and try to stay a little positive around them.

I had to tell my sister all these and she broke down in tears, the truth did hurt but she had to listen and yeah, she apologized to her amazing kids and they're all good now.


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