Sugar And The Sucker

It's quite intriguing how sparse our opinions can be about the same thing and in attempting to unite them, it can be like placing balloons together in the open hoping they'll stick together. It's likely that the mildest air molecules will wiggle them far and wide.
With openness to a viewsome approach, there's either something sound or incredibly wrong with how I perceived things. All I can think of now is how innocuously out of whack things are.

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It's been a while since uncle Dani and his friend trashed me with their critics for trying to stand in between them and their beloved sweet tooth.
Speaking of sweets how can sugar be one's sweet tooth?.
Not that they will affirm this to anyone since they seem immune to anything sour, in fact you'll get an entirely different answer should you ask "what's your sweet tooth?". You might get sushi, steak, French fries and cheese goodies as an answer.
Psst...I can't ask because I get argued with for simply adding: "yeah and sugar too."

I guess it makes me a sucker rushing to tell Dad or uncle Dani not to add sugar to my tea uttering "I'll do it myself, thank you". After which I'll come to them and say "sorry guys you can't drink mine and I can't drink yours".

Dani is a pretty obdurate debater of what's generally right or wrong but would rarely do check ups. In fact when you see him at the hospital, you'll know how sick he is. It'd probably take another decade.

Not long ago so I can sharply recall how I almost mistook the over sweeten Twining for thaumatin and lugduname.
Not that it is wholly bad as sugar is a common addition to tea, coffee, smoothies, sport drinks and the like because of the kindredship they share, it's the excess intake of added sugars that threatens.

I've seen how grandma and anti Serra turned diabetic or at least how it tortures them since am too young for them agedly and it must've been developed overtime hence making me a little too critical and a sick minimalist in added sugar consumption.

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I do remind myself of the positives of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen compounding added sugars into carbohydrate.
Significantly, the calories present act as an optimizer adding vitality and energizing our body for efficient movement and task completion.

However, when it comes to our general wellbeing a limited consumption is more valuable for the simple fact that it's used in a repetitive pattern and not casual with of course the absence of other great nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber which serve as whole foods necessary for a balanced diet. These are products of natural sugars as in fruits and diary products. In essence, when fostering the consumption of natural and added sugars as necessities then emphasis should be more on the former.

In scoping out things and in relation to cause and effect, it can be disturbing in a way noticing how as patients it seems like being imprisoned by ailments while getting directives from doctors when in a sense it's the ailment telling us when to sleep, when and what to eat/drink.

With all the dos and don'ts it's actually a pity that we get weakened and eventually conditioned by the end products of what we consume bearing in mind that we need them to stay fit and alive. Then again it has to do with the quantity consumed.

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Sounded coincidental that while making a point to a friend that I don't see why I should be drinking coffee when I can't feel its taste only to get reciprocally lectured and savoring his sarcastic tone saying "What high glycemic sugars...not much of a fan". Which is a pretty ordinary statement for a gym bro to say considering the notable counterweigh of exercise to the whole point of burning the sucrose out and staying healthy.

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