I'm Back! - Update, Birthday Madness and Other Niggly Bits

Hello and happy Monday!

The following post will probably be filled with a fair amount of me being weird and awkward as hell, but then again, that's nothing too new. At least it's real.

So, the past week or so has been...a lot. But let me start from the start. Or at least sort of pick up from where my last post left off...

Anyone who read that would know that I was rather grumpy that day. There were reasons, but let's just leave the past in the past.

As the photos show, it was a long car ride, putting us in three provinces in one day. I do not enjoy these long car rides at all, they tend to be extremely tense and boring at the same time...so I did the only thing I could do given the circumstances...I put my earphones in and took my pen out!

The roads around here tend to be heavily 'decorated' with potholes, so attempting to draw anything decent on paper is just pointless, which is why I usually doodle all over myself while in the car.

Just a silly photo I took once we arrived and finished unpacking. I don't really like showing my face much, but I feel like the fed up look and messy makeup explain how I was feeling much better than words could. (This hand drawing and pose also seems to have started a mini trend among some of my friends, which is a little bit funny!)

Also pretty embarrassing, but before I could even manage to shower, I fell asleep while still holding the phone. Guess it is time for a new phone case now. (See what I mean about awkwardness)

Skipping ahead to the next day, which was Friday (The one before last) My mom-in-law and me got to work bright and early, first having to buy a bunch of equipment and supplies for the party, then baking...oh, so much baking!

The party was mainly for her father, who was turning 84. He moved to South Africa from Scotland as a young boy, so she wanted a Scottish themed party, the cookies were her idea, I just decorated them according to what she asked for. No credit to me. Haha

My daughter had her third birthday on the 10th of May, so seeing as all the family and their kids would be there, we had a party for the kids at the same time. Little Abbey insisted on having a mermaid cake. Also, it had to be blue, (Looks green on the photos but it is blue) this cake took most of the day to make, with everything except the little purple stars being handmade from scratch by me...also a lot of white chocolate went into this, I've never had so much chocolate all over myself!

At around nine that night, I noticed that the second cake was still not iced or decorated, suspiciously staring at my from it's little cling film cover. No...let me be dramatic for a moment....

Cautiously, I approached my mom-in-law, asking to which I was certain I already suspected the answer that I was dreading.

''Who will be decorating the second cake?''

The answer, unsurprisingly, dreadfully horrific that late at night, with no time for planning and almost no energy, was:

''You, because you're so good at it.''
Guess flattery will really get you far with me, because, armed with leftover modeling icing, food colourant, a ribbon cut from some pajama pants (new and clean of course) I set to work. Honestly, I am not happy with the quality of work I did on it, but towards the end of the night, I had to be satisfied with throwing a bunch of glitter at it and calling it 'good enough', what are you gonna do, right?

The day of the party also started off pretty stressful, with all the food showing up packaged separately and cold. With a little bit of effort, a few breakdowns and a bunch of distraction, we did manage to get things going at least!

Luckily, everyone had a great time, and I finally had a chance to sit back and have some wine.

On the way back home...as predicted, I started to feel absolutely awful....which led to...

...two days spent mostly stuck in bed (I still had to clean and stuff) trying to recover from a stupid flu! All of this without medicine, because we were all out.

After that my partner person, whatever, was also home sick which is when the real work began because I had to play nurse, which, for reference I'm just going to go with this quote from The Big Bang Theory...

Sheldon: I had a hundred and one fever. If that's not a time to verbally abuse my loved ones, when is? Hey, at least I can laugh about it.

As always, I prefer to end things on a high note....so...yesterday, we finally bought my daughter's birthday gift...Fishies!!!

This went way longer than intended, so, if you are still reading, I thank you and your tired eyes. That's it for today at least!

Till next time!

Credit - All photo are my own
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