Check, Check. One Two, One Two.

Now That I Have Your Attention...

Administration of IATSE 720, thank you for finally doing positive things in regards to my employment. Encore, I appreciate you as well, managers of various levels are expressing immense respect towards me… except for the Venetian but we are still working towards that. The members and referents of IATSE 720 a BIG thank you for your support!

Think It, Speak It, Do It

One of the most important things a person can do in regards to manifestation, is the ability to have a clear thought, speak on that thought and act on it.

I am in a time in my life where I am fulfilling a 7 year plan to pull myself out of some extreme situations. I almost lost faith in that plan but here I am standing underneath it's tree!

Without going on and on about these situations like I might have in the past, I will just point out that I am amazing myself with what has and is transpiring.

I have now come to remember the power of my mind, which I lost when I was too focused on other people who were not willing to put the same effort into me as I did them. I am seeing great results, especially now that I am standing up for myself and value who I am. I can not align with people who take for granted what I bring to the table and the sacrifices that I am willing to make for them and our community, such as a Union or place of employment.


I experienced racism twice last night. Once at the open bar cocktail night when trying to get a drink, Starkers saw it all go down. Though I did not get his opinion on why exactly this bartender was refusing to serve me and he gave me wine in a plastic cup as opposed to the wine glasses he was giving everyone else.

The other time was later in the evening when we ate sushi with a group of people that I thought was good company. However, I/we was berated by a famous former wrestling manager all night that is investing in Hive. It was gross. People let it fly. One person tried to say something but that only encouraged more round eye and blame white man talk. Locking up Trump was even randomly brought up as to elicit a reaction since the constant racist remarks weren't eliciting the reactions desired.

When a person or group of people start racist attacks amongst each other and find it ok only because it's coming from money then you know for sure you are in bad company.

Considering that a big part of my struggles has been simply because I am white, I took major offense. Still yet, I was polite and left as soon as I could after stuffing my belly with a crap load of sushi.

Not Welcomed

A series of events transpired after that night that left me feeling that because I presented myself as some average ass joe and not someone collecting an inheritance in a few weeks that they intend on using for work equipment like lightboards, gaming computers to run them and running nodes for mining crypto or verifying transactions etc. or a dApp person; that I was less than.

My whole life I've always made jokes about how I am an Eastern working line German Shepherd. I just want to serve and work. I find fulfillment in serving and doing a good job not only for the community but to be accepted by the community.

Unfortunately, I still have human tendencies such as critical thinking and self-awareness. Anymore, I am learning to focus that on myself and not other people.

Each and every time I try to help others, I give too much and try too hard while investing too much of my heart into organizations and people that I have no business doing that for when I should be doing it for me. I am the only one who will look out for me and stand up for me.

Communication is key. Actions speak louder than words. I am not the kind of person who will throw people away once I am done using them or if they don't have resources that I feel would benefit me.

Why I Will Still Use Hive

I love Hive for communication to my children who are not in my life due to illegal actions by their mother. I am over the financial aspect of Hive. It encourages bad behavior when we focus on that specifically. I love how my content, downvotes or not, will always be here on chain. I don't enjoy the how the community aspect is driven by pandering to money. I see it everyday here in Vegas. It's a large part of the reason why I want to always be living in a place like Eugene, Oregon or Sonoma, California to grow cannabis and food.

It Is All About Me.

Currently, I made an agreement with myself to body build and try to get an 8 pack or 12 pack by year's end. I aim to go from 160 lbs to 190 lbs. At least one pound of red meat every night for sure.

I don't always throw up illuminati hand signs but when I do, it is to make you look.

For whatever reason people find it okay to pick on me, discriminate against me and view me as less than. I feel 1/3 of that comes from my skin color, another third comes from my financial situation and another third comes from me being perceivably too thin.

I can easily change the thin part. I'm in the process of fixing the financial part but there's nothing I can do about my skin color.


I have to focus on myself. I have to align myself with my higher self and not aimlessly help others while expecting others to be as empathetic, accountable and present as I can be.

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