Tucked in... or wide open?

Finally back to posting! Probably not in time for the SMAP contest, but sharing some of our #featheredfriends anyway; and since this week's theme is WINGS... here's some wings for you!

Tucked in or wide open, how do you prefer to see them? Probably the latter, I would say.


Have no idea which species this is, feel free to chip in if you know it!

And if you're wondering why is this big bird perched in a handrail, it's because this photo was taken in a bird park in Malaysia, were quite a few exotic birds roam kind of free. Still, not entirely free as this little one.


Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis

These are my favourite kind of tucked wings: the ones with distinct traits that help to identify the species I'm seeing. That black and yellow pattern is a sure way to identify goldfinches!


White stork - Ciconia ciconia

Speaking of easy to identify colour patterns, the wide open wings of storks are always a wonder to see. Not that they don't look good in a resting position...


... but seeing them high in the air is a lot more fun, especially if they're flying low.


The same with seagulls: cute birds in the ground...


Yellow-legged gull - Larus michahellis

... but with a lot more elegancy flying just over our heads (well, as long as they don't remember to drop anything...)!


Even when perched, wing position can also helps us with identification: wide open wings, perching near water? Most likely a cormorant!


Little cormorant - Microcarbo niger

This was my first time seeing this particular species, but I can assure you the european cormorant species exhibit the exact same behaviour, so their wings dry faster after the dives.


Perched with open wings, near water, a cormorant? WTF??

Ops... pretty sorry, mr. vulture. Although in my defense, I wrote "most likely"!


Black vulture - Coragyps atratus

There you go: some vultures can also be spotted in the "perched with wide open wings" too! 😁

Have a great weekend, felt great to post here again. And thanks for the extra incentive, @nelinoeva! 😉


Hive divider by doze.gif

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