Feeding sparrows with Lotus biscuits while having a coffee on the promenade ⛱🐥🍪(Video inside)

I was having a morning coffee at La Fontana restaurant (seafront of Javea town, Alicante, Spain) when these nice little friends came to visit me and ask for their breakfast ration.

  • Arenal beach, Javea town, and its promenade.

  • Daring him/her to climb on my finger.

  • He/She came a little closer to see if there was food.

The sympathy I feel towards these little friends is given, in large part, by the knowledge of past history and it is that, in Mao Tse-tung's China, back in 1959, it was ordered to exterminate the sparrows and this entailed, together to other factors, the Great Chinese Famine that killed between 15 and 30 million people over three years.

When they realized their mistake, they ordered to stop killing these feathered friends, in fact, they had to import new specimens from Russia since they had almost completely exterminated them in China.

  • Lotus biscuit in my hand.

  • Approaching to catch the piece with its beak.

  • Mission accomplished: taking off!

  • Short video of the whole sequence.

Since 2001, sparrows have been a protected species in China and any damage inflicted on these little buddies is severely fined.

Everything plays a role on this planet and sparrows have theirs: let's respect them and take care of them.

Video recorded with my Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G camera.

Some are photographs taken with my Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G camera and some are screenshots from the video.

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