Do you really need that?

Recycling, it is a great thing to do!

However, for me, there is a step before that.
It is about whether something is even needed in the house. Whatever it is, the question is now asked.

Do we really need that?

Do I buy those loose bananas, or the bananas that come in plastic packaging?
Do I buy a pound of loose onions or the ones that are in plastic packaging?
Do I buy a paper book, or buy it on Audible.

There are now so many options to cut down on what we need in a physical sense.

I can't be doing with waste. I have never thrown away leftovers. Some of the best meals that you can make are from conjuring up something magical from what is in the fridge.

I don't know about you, but we have these darn sell by dates on food stuffs, it means that legally a shop cannot sell the item after the sell by date. It does mean that a heck of a lot of food gets thrown in the bin. There are places that try to give it to charity.
There are also whoopsies here, where they will mark things down in an attempt to get rid of it before they have to bin in.

I love a bargain, and love to go shopping to my local Morrison's supermarket around 6pm and see what they have reduced that I can make a meal with tomorrow.


Those two steak and kidney pies are an example. £2 reduced to £0.50. A bargain and they are really tasty.

And to top it off, a spot of pie!


Yes, a cherry pie reduced from £1.50 down to £0.38. When they are trying to get rid of things, they put them down to a quarter of the price.

So that is my wee bit for helping reduce waste and also help my pocket too! A win win for everyone:)

Recyling at home - Wheelie Bins


Unfortunately, not everyone recycles and separates out the correct materials to put into wheelie bins. It has been around for years and is so simple. You just only put the correct items in the relevant wheelie bin, then wheel the bins out to be emptied!

We have four categories in my area.
Blue ~ General Waste
Green ~ Metals and Plastics
Black ~ Carboard and Paper
Brown ~ Food and Garden Waste

Every Tuesday morning our local binmen collect the wheelie bins from the pavement, and it rotates on the colour of wheelie bin.

I did find out recently, that if you throw something that is smaller than a fist, it is too small to be recycled and will end up in the landfill. The advice is to leave bottle tops and jar lids on the respective bottle or jar. Something I never did before. The recycling centre will not waste time sorting small items.

We never stop learning!

But the worst thing about Wheelie Bins in the UK or on my street anyway is the bloody annoying neighbours, who do not bring them off the pavement.


Not only do they cause a problem for pedestrians to pass, but they blow over in the wind onto the main road and cause traffic accidents!

Bring those wheelie bins in people!

Okay my wee rant over.

This post was my out-of-competition submission for the Silver Bloggers community #BOM, this month about Recycling

It does close at midnight UTC Today June 13th, but there are still a few hours to enter, so come on and give it a post!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful new week!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman @TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.


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