Blog of the Month - New Theme for 13 June 2022


Before I tell you about this month's #BoM, I have to get a couple of things off my chest!

2022 has been full of ups and downs, as my little world was turned upside down from the very first day of the year, but Hive eventually became my secret hideaway from the real world, as blogging helps me focus and clears my head!

A big bow to my team Silver Flower, Silver Cat, Silver Fish, and Silver Scot for taking over the reins each time I went MIA here in Silver Bloggers.


What goes down, must come up!

Last month's 1st Birthday Celebration #BoM only brought in 5 entries but they were all amazing!

This was a huge drop in comparison to the previous months; perhaps everyone was still in shock at the Crypto Crash, but always remember...

Patience pays...

Especially as far as Crypto goes; so sit tight, keep on blogging, and I do believe Silver Flower was right when she said -

This is not financial advice, but I think this is a time, if one can, to use some of that HBD to buy Hive...

If you missed last month's winning post, you can read all about it here.
Don't just leave it at that, though, go and read some of the other posts. If you would still like to support the authors, and because they're past their payout dates, please leave a tip.
(The web versions of both @peakd and @ecency offer this facility.)

Silver Bloggers' Growth

Our community continues to grow. As we prepare this post, we are now sitting at 1235 subscribers, with 109 active.

With this month's power-up we have tipped over the 2k HP mark. A major milestone. Every little bit makes our votes worth more as we support the members of our community.

We would not have been able to do it without you!

All members' delegations help with account Mana and enable us to give increasingly meaningful upvotes. The total delegations have dropped to just over 7,5k Hive. That's ok, because as we always say: every little helps and we do understand that folk have other things to do with their Hive power.
As we do by delegating 500 HP to @ocdb, which not only helps grow our kitty but also is a way of thanking them for their tremendous support - a win-win situation all around!

Thank you to @monica-ene who is our newest delegator. Another


As a reminder -

If you would like to delegate to our community account @hive-106316, there's a nifty table at the end of the post, to help you do that. Alternatively, you can delegate directly from your wallet.

Also -

There are two more ways to offer support -

  • Set @hive-106316 as a 5% beneficiary when you post in the community - every little bit helps.
  • Please follow our community curation trail - another way to support the community and its members. You can sign up for that on Hive.Vote.


This month's topic - Recycling


I am sure there are many of our wise Silver Bloggers who recycle. Let us know how long you've been doing it for, and how you go about it. We would also like to know how you turn some of the waste into something useful - whether for composting, storage, artwork, or whatever weird and wonderful stuff that not only make that waste bin lighter, but also helps save our planet!


To enter

How to enter your post for the Blog of the Month (#BoM) - the criteria remain the same -

  1. Posts must be in English and obviously centre on the week’s theme or topic.
  2. Prose must be a minimum of 350 words. If it’s a photo or graphic essay, the photos must be your original work and preferably with some sort of back-story to the images.
  3. The blog must be posted in/from our community
  4. The account must be a subscribed Silver Blogger
  5. Use #BoM - blog of the month - as your first tag.
  6. Share the link to your entry in the comments of this post and in our Discord silver-bom-entries channel (open to subscribed members only).

Words to the wise-

follow the rules.gif

If you don't follow the rules, your entry will not count.

Also -

consider following the #BoM tag so that you can can easily find, upvote and comment on other contributions.


The community description is a guide to content we welcome in the Silver Bloggers' Community. Folk who post content that doesn't jive, we will encourage to find an alternative and more comfortable space in which to play.


To keep things fair: the same person (account) may not win twice in succession.

In summary, last edition's winner may enter, but the contribution, like those of the judges' panel, will not be eligible for a prize.


The contest closes at midnight GMT (also known as UTC) on Monday 13 June and the winners will be announced later the following week.

The prizes

We have a pot carried forward, and from which we will continue to draw the prizes:

The winner gets

  • 50% of the liquid rewards from the post announcing the winners. His/her account will be set as a 50% beneficiary
  • 10 Hive that from the community account - @hive-106316
  • 10 Hive that @lizelle sponsors

The runners up win, too

Thanks to our founder Silver-Blonde Lizzie, the runners-up will also receive 5 Hive each, and we have allocated another 5 Hive from the community account for the runners up.

All prizes will be sent directly to the winners' wallets.

So...what are you waiting for?


Would you like to sponsor a prize?

If you would like to sponsor a prize, please comment on this post and tag either @lizelle or @fionasfavourites.

Theme suggestions

If you have topic suggestions, please leave them in the comments?


Themes can be anything you like within the Silver Threads preferred for this community. Content creators will, of course, make of them what they will.

Last words...

We would love to get more eyes on this post and all community posts from - @hive-106316 - our Silver Bloggers account. This is is why we make a point of reblogging your posts. Please do the same?

An Invitation...

Do pop into our Coffee Corner for a natter, a smile, and a cup of coffee of course! We have our very own Mr Discord, himself, Silver Fish, who takes care of that and so much more.


You also get the chance to share your posts published in our Silver Bloggers Community, and of course, your #bom entries as well, the latter being a requirement for entering our Blog of The Month. Just make sure you're dropping those links in the correct channel.


Come and join our Silver Bloggers communitySilver Bloggers footer banner 600 x 300.jpg

A big THANK YOU in advance


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