Silver bloggers blog of the week- Has the pandemic changed your future plans?

The Pandemic has done to me more harm than good, I could clearly remember how I wanted to start my business through, the plans and the procedures which I wanted to adopt which was personal selling (door to door selling) but the break out of pandemic change everything and make me follow the guidelines that was spelt, which includes, no gathering of more than fifty peoples, no personal contact and to keep distance, yet all this was something that retards the growth of my business.


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Moreover, we where made to observe a compulsory sit at home, this was something I never dreamt that I could do, but all of a sudden, i saw myself doing more of this, the sit at home took longer than necessary, if I could say that the pandemic has not changed my future plans that means, I am not being real, because the pandemic has eaten up our minds, it is like a canker worm in our blood yet we managed to survived.

Thereafter, not only that my plans has been affected, the whole world is still facing the same issues, caused by This mance, the pandemic has brings suffering to some countries by making goods and services to be scared, hardship emancipated, high cost of goods and services, resources scarce and not located in large quantities that could help a National building.

The pandemic has also makes some businesses to backed out of their operations, now, they were finding it hard to survived, as no more resources to produce to the targeted consumers, inorder to make sales and makes their gains which is the secondary aims of going into business but they were now force to leave the business world. And that will also bring us to increase of numbers of unemployment.

Pandemic brought people loosing their job, positions in the office change, and recruitment of more workers not conducted anymore.
So this has really changed my future and not just mine, but is is like a cause to humanity, pandemic came as a way to bring confusion, conflicts, chaos and misunderstanding among Humans and nations but it fails to understand that Humans are highly intelligent, for the fact we know how to manage it, keep everything in place and wait for it leave, as it is now, because nothing last forever, as it comes so shall it go, and we will be free again.

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