Will we ever get there?

No Email, WhatsApp, or any other electronic message compares to the excitement of physically picking up a long-awaited letter or postcard from the postbox!
The postman used to be greeted warmly by everyone, unless he carried one, or more, of those unwelcome 'window' envelopes which of course were bills that had to be paid!

The postal service in our country is slowly fading away, but this is like music to the ears of private courier services which now deliver valuable documents and parcels.

When I responded to @livinguktaiwan's PostCard Experiment in February, I was very curious if the postcard sent from Taiwan would make it to my postbox here in South Africa.

I'd almost given up, thinking that postcard was lying somewhere inside the nether depths of a local postal depot.

What excitement when the postcard indeed landed in my postbox, four months after it was posted.

It must have been quite a perilous journey, as it arrived a tad bent and warped.



I soon restored it to its former glory, however!
Is she not beautiful, her true colours visible with good lighting?

This handwritten postcard showing the stunning Mount Alishan sunset is a tangible link to one of my special Hive friends across the waters, so a big thank you, Pauline!


I have been ABSENT, AGAIN, this time because of something way more serious than a shoulder!

Hubby's been giving me, and himself big scares with 'plumbing' issues, his term for blocked coronary arteries. No quick fix this time, so... that of course means our trip to our son in the Netherlands, which was to happen in just over two weeks' time, has to be postponed.

The kids agree that Dad's health comes first, so they will change our flight dates, at a cost of course, but they are not fazed by that, Dad has to get better!

Hubby's safely in High Care, being monitored while waiting for his blood thinners to wear off so he can have the surgery.

It seems like we'll now miss summer and experience autumn with the kids in their new country, our Visas are valid till early November, so we'll not have to re-apply.

The plus is that I don't have to postpone my shoulder surgery so will be pain-free by the time we go.
Our staff will be there to help the two old fogeys while we recuperate; they're both super protective of us!

I'm beginning to wonder if we will ever get there, but, just like the wait for that postcard, we have to be patient. We don't want to arrive there all bruised and battered, cannot be fixed as easily as a postcard!

My mind has been all over the place, but now we know the way forward, I feel more at ease, and have time to get this heavy load off my chest!

Thank you Hive!

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Original Content by @lizelle
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