Letter of Absence

What to do when the mouse becomes a little tool of torture!

I've not been sitting at my PC very much, as this shoulder that keeps popping into my posts has now become a very real problem.

Not my shoulder - Photo by Harlie Raethel on Unsplash

After a good couple of weeks of see-sawing between the doc, and physiotherapy, I finally ended up where I should have been sent from day one, and that is at the orthopedic surgeon who immediately ordered X-rays and an ultrasound.

It turns out I have a rotator cuff tear which will require surgery.
The pain has been excruciating some nights, and of course, repetitive tasks like moving the mouse are this problem's worse enemy, so I've hardly been around on Hive.

I felt very sorry for myself when I heard the news, as we're leaving for the Netherlands in three weeks.

The good news is that now that I know what the problem is, I'm not using that arm to pick up stuff, I've learnt what position is best for sleeping, and did not wake up in agony this morning.
The verdict from the specialist is that surgery can wait as I am able to manage the pain, as long as I do not use that arm for strenuous tasks, His advice was to go and enjoy the break with our son in his new home country!

Fortunately, I'm left-handed, so don't have any issues except that I've always driven the mouse with my right hand, so that is taking some adjustment.

Surgery will be scheduled when we get back, and I am told to prepare myself for pain, and more physio; kind of putting the horse before the cart I would say, but that's how it is.

That kind of operation promises good recovery, so I will have pain-free nights once again!

I am thankful that this problem can be managed, and is not interfering with our travel dates.

One more hurdle to overcome is that hubby is having issues, so may need a procedure before we go, will know tomorrow!

I never got to write a Hive PUD post, and did a small power-up, but have had to start powering down, as my Netherlands trip savings have been whittled away by unexpected boulders in the road!

I certainly am not running away from Hive, my go-to place to share the ups and downs of my life!

So, I say again, enjoy each moment of every day, as you never know what life will throw your way next!

Heart page break.png

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