Mid March Madness!

Monday morning came as usual with the sun rising a little later now that the seasons are changing.

Being a midnight owl, waking up at 4am and then battling to go back to sleep, doesn't help; a remnant from taking care of Mom Lily, so...when I eventually fall asleep again, I miss that gorgeous sunrise!

Almost Blue Monday

The guests in our BnB unit reported that the aircon was leaking, but were not too perturbed, as it only started when they were getting ready to go out for the day. It was a quick fix, a blocked outlet pipe!

But...then we noticed water running down the outside wall, right where our geyser (hot water tank or boiler) is situated in the ceiling. Our plumber came out and said it was a burst geyser but no need to claim from the insurance as it was still under warranty.

I imagined having to wait a couple of days for this to be replaced by the manufacturers but were proven wrong, as they came later that same day, installed a brand new geyser, and left.
The job was still not complete when I asked them to take the pic inside the ceiling.
I was happy, but three hours later, the water was still ice-cold. Our other BnB unit fortunately was empty, so our guests could use that bathroom, and were very understanding...again, as this has happened to them before!
The problem was a wire that pulled out when they covered the drum, but it was fixed in no time early the next morning! Bliss to have hot water again!

Benefits of loadshedding!

South Africa's back to loadshedding and for those who don't know, this is planned electricity outages once or twice a day, as our corrupt and incompetent energy supplier has messed up yet again with power stations breaking down!

There are some benefits, as it at least gives us time to reflect, actually have a proper conversation, and not be engrossed in a TV series or movie!

Last night our suburb's time slot was 20:00 to 22:00, so we sat outside, enjoyed the coolness of the night air, and saw the orange halo around the moon.
The clouds were moving so fast that it caused an optical illusion; making it appear that the moon was flying at speed through the sky!

The owl whose hooting we've been hearing every night stays well out of sight, so I've still not seen it.
Apparently, because of their specialized feathers, they're able to fly very low and quietly, making it easier to catch their prey, but more difficult to spot!
I really hope to see this pair, as one hears them call each other, with the male being very close. For now, I have to be satisfied with a painting of an owl by my friend @artywink's hubby Peter, which I dropped onto this photo. How awesome is that halo around the moon, even though my cell phone camera does not do it any justice!

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Unexpected blessings

Saturday morning always is the day I start my day off slowly. Running a BnB post-retirement can get hectic, especially with midweek guests who order meals, so when they go home for the weekend, I heave a sigh of relief!
A call from my very dear friend Josh, got me out of bed in no time; her son had extra lessons nearby and she had time to kill, so offered to bring us breakfast.
Now I'm not sure if it's just a Durban thing, but in Josh's words:

it's an Indian thing!

They cannot visit without bringing arms full of food, enough to feed an army!

Josh arrived with 3 boxes from Mugg & Bean, who are known for their generous portions, plus sweet delights from our local home industries shop. Many Silvery ladies bake for this shop that only sells homebaked goods.

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The most delicious omelette I have ever tasted is called a Rancheros 109

Filled with cheddar, mozzarella & shakshuka sauce.
Topped with chorizo, avo, baby potatoes, charred corn, cherry tomatoes & sriracha mayo.
Served with sour cream.


Toasted bagel topped with back bacon, rocket, tomato chutney & basil pesto hollandaise sauce and a poached egg


The usual Chicken Mayo Sandwich, this one is made with divine bread and served with salad - note, my friend is a rebel as she's supposed to be vegetarian but indulges in a little meat now and then. Fortunately, I had her favourite very hot spicy sauce, otherwise, the food tastes too bland to her!

We chatted, or shall I say Josh chatted at 100 miles an hour, as we had loads of catching up to do! My family always say I talk too much, but this very special angel friend of mine, can talk a hind leg off a donkey!
It was a lovely start to my Saturday so thank you my friend for making this day so special.

A little gift with the most beautiful message and typical of my friend's philosophy:

Happiness isn't something you find -
it's something you create!

As retirees, we are always searching for a bargain, and I found exactly what I was looking for online, but I will tell you about that next time, perhaps in a #marketfriday post!

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