Amateur Hour - Day 56 - The 100 Day Project

I called this post "Did It Doodle" because I literally did it just so I wouldn't miss Day 56 of The 100 Day Project. I actually ended changing the title to Amateur Hour. Either would do.

I'm feeling worse than yesterday so will be going back to bed shortly to rest a bit more before I have to go out later. Then I'll dose myself up with some cold tablets and soldier on.

The only thing I had to hand was some sharpies and my small note book. I wasn't happy with the doodle and, if this wasn't the 100 day, I wouldn't have posted it.


But . . . when the page turned as I was putting it down I noticed the back of the doodle and found I liked that a lot better. Sadly, you can't really see the contrast between the two in the photos but the back is more subtle and muted.


Anyway, whatev's as some would say, I did it and that's what counts. Feeling relieved as I return to my bed.

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You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

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šŸ’š Thanks to all those cheering me on. Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@jacey.boldart @denmarkguy @alchemystones @steevc @shanibeer @stickupboys @nickydee @lizelle

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