A Day Ahead Of Myself - Day 48 - The 100 Day Project

OMG. I've been faffing about all morning, It's already 11:24 and I just settled down to create something for Day 48 of The 100 Day Project, looked at my calendar and saw that it is the 5th. Which means that it is accounts day. šŸ˜±

I should have done the accounts before everything else so now I need to put the creative activity on the back burner and get the accounts done. Such a numpty!

. . . three hours later and the accounts are done.

However, I've run out of time to start a new creative project and I don't fancy working on more painty papers. Not to mention the fact that the weather is looking gorgeous so I'm going to make the most of it and take myself off for a well deserved stroll and a coffee.

Before I go I'm going to quickly do a bit of colouring which will be my creativity project for the day.


When The 100 Day Project started I made myself a chart of 100 circles. The plan was to colour in one each day to help motivate myself and leave me with some extra collage paper at the end of the project. However, after a few days I lost interest in it and I've only revisited the sheet a couple of times since.

The last time I coloured in some circles was Day 25 so I've got a good few to fill in to bring it up to date.

So that's what I did today before leaving for my walk.

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Oops. Looks like I coloured in an extra circle. I was thnking it was Day 49 but it's actually Day 48. Oh well, at least I'll be up to date with it again tomorrow. šŸ˜‚

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You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

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šŸ’š Thanks to all those cheering me on. Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@jacey.boldart @denmarkguy @alchemystones @steevc @shanibeer @stickupboys @nickydee @lizelle

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