Happy memories and connections from Hivefest

This is going to be my last HiveFest post, and it will be a photo dump of the happy memories I captured with people. Compared to previous years, I didn't take many photos this year. Most of the time was spent on real life interaction with people. I mean everyone spent so much time and effort and not to mention money travelling to HiveFest, it would be a wasted opportunity not to engage with them. Plus, this year I noticed that HiveFest is becoming more of a family affair and not just a crypto/technical gathering. This is truly a sign of how the Hive community is maturing. Here's some of the happy moments and a lot of tagging 🙂

Day 2

This is the first day of the presentations and we had our gala dinner in the evening. I had to get my annual photo with The Wizard @gtg

Here's me taking a selfie with my good friend @zirochka who bought her husband and daughter @nataliabuchynska with her this year. The photo was taken by Mr Zirochka, and Mr @delishtreats is sitting behind us. See what I mean this being a family affair.

I'm very happy to meet @honeydue in person at last. She's been on the chain for a long time but our paths have only crossed properly recently.

During the gala dinner, we took a TeamUK photo. @bil.prag was nearby and we got a him to do a professional photoshoot for us. Starting on the left is @alessandrawhite, @steevc, @starkerz, @brianoflondon and @basilmarples, and me at the front 😀. There were a couple more Brits present but we didn't manage to catch them.

@zirochka @delishtreats and I took a photo with Sara's brother 😁 the one and only @jarvie, another great photographer amongst other things (brains behind Peakd, my courier) on Hive. You're da best 👍 Photo credit to @jarvie

Day 3

On the second day of the presentation, I remembered to take a few more photos. This is @ph1102 and @delishtreats

Me caught on camera by @louis88 taking a wefie with @detlev, @arcange, @lizanomadsoul, @steevc and @stoodkev

And here's @stoodkev again, this time with @howo, the French double trouble 🇫🇷 😱😄

Day 4

Today was supposed to be the boat trip but it was moved to day 6 due to bad weather forecast. It turned out to be a great day and I went to Klis Fortress with @zirochka and @delishtreats and their family. I'll be posting about this separately.

In the meanwhile, here's another example of HiveFest becoming a family affair, Mr Delishtreats, Mr Zirochka and Mr Livinguktaiwan.

And an happy group photo of us at Klis Fortress credit @delishtreats

Day 5

This was originally the last day of HiveFest with the closing drinks in the evening. A lot of people turned up. From top left going clockwise is @detlev, @ninaeatshere, @lizanomadsoul, @ph1102, me and @evelynchacin who came all the way from Poland with her husband and 10 month old baby!! See! Another family affair!

This is me, @steevc, @basilmarples and @akipponn

I'm glad I can finally meet @akipponn, she's such a diverse content creator!!

Day 6

Our rescheduled boat trip happened on the last day and I got to speak to talk to more people. @bil.prag is the guy who's been taking a lot of the awesome photos you see at HiveFest

@forkyishere came all the way from New Zealand, I think he took four flights to get to Split!!!

During the boat trip, we got to go on land and many of us went for a walk after lunch. I can't remember the handle of the person at the front, but I did speak to him and I know he's from Romania. This is @abbak7 in the front and behind him is @buttcoins who bought his family @myinnervoice and @thebombkids along

And then after the boat trip a bunch of us went for coffee. You can say we enjoy hanging around with one another. @growandbow is playing in his phone behind me, next to him is @honeydue, @llunasoul,@primersion who cycled (!!!) 5 days from Austria to Croatia, @masterswatch, @detlev, @misslasvegas and... @louis88 or is it @rivalzzz 😬🫣😅

Group photo

And finally, no Hivefest is complete without a group photo, credit to @bil.prag.
hive fest split (262).jpg

Happy memories and connections from Hivefest. See you all next year!

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