西總呈獻: 迷你海鮮盛宴 / atyh present: grand mini seafood banquet


看到我家可愛瓜叔搞活動, 還要是和吃有關的, 作為一個地球最強吃貨的1%人群, 我怎可能不參加, 不過昨晚看到瓜叔的帖, 剛好我才吃過海鮮, 所以就在群裡嚇一嚇他說我參加不了, 哎...沒想到差一點嚇到我們可愛的瓜寶寶, 啊不, 可愛的瓜叔. 他還以為我要潑泠水呢, 我有點委屈, 但寶寶不說.

昨晚跟瓜叔講, 為了參賽, 我要去吃龍蝦放題, 拼了, 但今天出門前打電話去確認那個團購能不能用的時候, 發現他們休息呢...我去...好吧...看來想丟低老婆偷偷去吃好的也不行, 只好下次帶她一起去吃了...兩個人...差不多1200人民幣呢...寶寶心裡苦但寶寶不說...

好啦, 太多廢話, 講半天還沒去到正題. 既然沒的吃龍蝦放題, 那就點個海鮮外賣吧. 在美團找了30分鐘, 終於找到家我又看得上眼, 又不貴的店. 不過我有點大意, 那個店是在東門的, 就是說由下單到送到我家, 一小時跑不掉, 因為我沒吃午餐, 下單時已好餓了...

沒辦法, 自己失誤自己承擔好了, 等了差不多一小時, 終於等到我的外賣. 一打開, wow, 好多小龍蝦尾, 要是原隻上的話, 這個重量沒幾隻吧? 還是只要尾部就好了. 這個口味是有點麻辣的, 但看起來色香味俱全, 雖然我不能吃辣, 但試了一口之後認為是可以接受的範圍之內, 我就不客氣, 亳無顧慮地用手吃起來了.

另外兩個小吃是花甲和八爪魚, 因為是涼食, 所以不用擔心送到來涼了不好吃. 平時吃花甲我都是吃熱的, 今次吃涼的有點不慣, 不是說味道不合自己, 花甲吃起來咸中帶點甜.也挺過癮的.

那個八爪魚嘛, 平時吃慣刺身, 所以涼的話對我沒影響, 每一口都吃的好爽, 加上加了一點芥末, 吃起來有一點嗆鼻子的感覺, 配合小龍蝦的麻辣, 有夠上頭, 爽啊.

點了三份海鮮小食, 沒主食好像不夠, 但又不想吃米飯, 所以加配了一碗粥, 這個粥是整份外賣到家後最熱的一份. 出餐了40分鐘才送到我家, 還能是熱的, 它剛出來有燙, 可想而知.

大家對我這個迷你版海鮮盛宴還滿意嗎? 希望大家喜歡.

I was so excited to seeing my lovely friend @aellly is going to hold an activity which is related to food, he was going to invite all of us to attend the seafood related in this event. As a super food lover I can't find any reason not to attend this even, anyway I just had a great sea food meal when I noticed he's going to hold this event and I was trying to frank at him saying that I might not able to attend, he though it's a buzzkill to his activity when considering he just sent the invitation to everyone minutes ago. come on, I was just kidding, don't take me wrong, I have no intention to be buzzkill on this great event, I felt upset when he though so.

I told him that I am going to have a super luxury lobster buffet for this activity however I called to confirm if I can purchase the online coupon during the National Holiday and I realized that they are off for today. What the...I wanted to dump my wife to try such good buffet alone, sounds I need to take her to try next time and not able to save the money, it's going to cost me about RMB 1150 approximately in US$165...

Alright, I am having too much bullshit and not jumping into main topic still, since I can't go to have such great lobster buffet then I can only order food delivery instead for this even, I spent about 30 mins to short list which shop is worth to try with reasonable price ended up I picked a shop in Dongmen, I noticed that I made a mistake picking this shop as it's going to take an hour to deliver to my home from there, I skipped for lunch and I was bloody hungry when I placed order

I have no choice but to accept, I am the one who made the mistake then I need to suffer on my own. After waiting for about an hour, finally the foods arrived, wow, so many crayfish tale in the box, I guess there's not so many if they serve in whole crayfish. It's a good choice to have the crayfish tale in this situation. It tastes a bit spicy and looks attractive, I confirmed I can suffer such spicy level after trying one, then I didn't hesitate to crab the crayfish by my hands and eat like a wolf.

The other 2 snacks are octopus and clam, they are kinda cold appetizer, I don't have to worry about they get cold when they arrived, I never try clam in cold, it's fresh to me, I didn't mean it doesn't taste good, just not really get used to the cold clam. For the octopus, I always take the octopus Sashimi in Jap restaurant, so it makes no different to me even it's cold.

How do you think about my grand mini seafood banquet guys? Wish all of you enjoy reading my blog of today.

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