Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Fireman's House

"The Fireman's House" was doing the rounds, not exactly the TourBus daily special but I was seeing it with increasing frequency.

"Where is this Fireman's place", I was asking @anidiotexplores over Facebook Messenger. He didn't know but had been given the area.


This seems to be a 'thing', drop a hint about the appropriate whereabouts and make the would be explorer work for the prize.


If you do that to @anidiotexplores he generally finds it. Better to give that one no clues at all. I recall us both looking and it wasn't me who found it.

Generally I'm quite guarded about pulling up outside a Time Capsule. Too close and the Karen's take note, so it's usually at least one street away.

Not so at 'The Fireman's House' which was quite isolated but still next to a semi-busy road.


We made our way to the back entrance heading towards the left side, only to find ourselves in a farmers field with some sturdy prickly hedgerow barring our way to the target.

@anidiotexplores barged through, somehow immune to the sharp thorns with me in tow swearing loudly.

'...This is the wrong fucking way mate, it's the other side...'


The statement, while true was now irrelevant as we could both clearly see the way in. It was as easy as that.


A welcome of fresh eggs greeted us on arrival, one cracked. You might think that the surrounding atmosphere would be filled with the aroma of rotting eggs but I can't remember it being so.

Nonetheless it's best to not touch and safely keep your distance.


I could see right away 'The Fireman's House' was going to be a little special. Brooke Bond cards used to be inserted into boxes of T-Bags when I was a kid. Flowers were not the best collection, I fondly remember the cars.


The remittance advice doesn't specify a year but given it's typed tells me it was not generated recently. That Fireman liked his eggs.


The furniture was a little stacked up; signs that the place has been ransacked. Finding one that hasn't is proving tough in todays world of exploring.


I had no idea the old bulldog was an author, as well as our war time prime minister.


Woah 1949, and look at all those ties. I for one are grateful for the gradual demise of those things wrapped around your neck that do little else.


She looks a little like one of my ex's though from a completely different time period.


More memories from the past, and my ex (again).


I could probably still use them for my mail, just need to scrub the shit off the surface.


I can't say I'm taken with the decor, bare walls are all well and good but not cracked plaster.


A substantial bill considering it's from 1973. Mr Rigby does appear to be overpaying.


A few years later in 1978 and the electric bill is £128 a quarter. This was a farm, and farms then could make a living.


Look at that Ford Zephr, such a sexy beast and head turner! It's those headlights, that look like they are from a bulbous frog. I barely remember them from my early childhood.



I haven't seen Newcastle Brown in years, does it still exist?
I had to have a poke into the Zephr brochure. Maybe I could upgrade from my current vehicle?


Would you believe it, top speeds of 80mph, 33mpg and indicators as standard…, such luxury. Are you satisfied?

Zoom in and check those specs. The small print probably insists that inhaling the exhaust fumes of this beast is good for your health.



I feel the this particular 'Corvette' is not related to the American muscle car.


The 'Pophi' tie looks distinctly from the 1950's. The blurb tells it all.


Sights such as these tell me this Time Capsule is on the TourBus.


The previous explorer pulled these out for their photographs, and left them, or was it the one before?


Likely the reason for the name, but is that a Fireman's hat?



Shoe cream, or is it polish?


Sadly a proportion of the windows had holes in them. If not corrected 'The Fireman's House' is only going to deteriorate over time.


1943 or 1945. It contains two stamps both from the war years, and the newspaper on the right looks suspiciously ancient.


It's not an airborne view of 'The Fireman's House*', unless things have changed dramatically.


My hair is kind of dry. I should have poured it all over my scalp and waited a few seconds for instant gratification.


It is a farm or was. You are going to see animal magazines that are 65 years old. Quite normal.


Everyone wants to read personal stories from June 1958, even about declining gallons.


Received some eggs; Yes, we spotted them just inside the back door… yum!


I felt sorry for the keyboard. I'm quite attuned to those devices.


'Architecture & Morality'. Now there's some classic synth music from the early 1980's. I was quite the OMD fan back then.



Where to look; such feelings can overwhelm the novice explorer resulting in bouts of fainting. It's better to start on derps containing beams that could fracture your skull if blown on, and then work up to places like this later.


What's lurks within those old negatives? I didn't have the heart to start tearing them apart to look.


Now... that is 'The Fireman's House', there no question.



There's always an old sewing machine and invariably it's a 'Singer'. They must have stitched up the market in more ways than one.


Some helpful guides that could help @meesterboom during his current travels.


There's little chance the crystal cock is still there undamaged. Not that kind of cock you filthy minded lot.


The weather sucked in June 1952. Some things don't change.


Those typefaces, they say it all. From another time.


The outhouses, crammed with old crusty tools and other miscellaneous junk. We had filled our load by the time we got here.

Wow, what a place, and I still see it being explored quite recently. We left and headed to yet another Time Capsule.

Good times ahead.


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