entry hive top chef competition lasagna


this is a great standard veg lasagna that i have been making for years. by vegetarian i mean including dairy. it is easy to make and always delicious. this recipe is for 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 small children


lasagna sheets- the kind that doesn't need to be precooked
2 T olive oil
1 t mustard oil (optional)
0.5-1 t cayenne pepper powder
2 t black pepper powder
1 t nutmeg powder
2 t each of basil oregano thyme
1 large onion, finely chopped
6-8 cloves garlic crushed and coarsely chopped
1 carrot finely chopped
1 red or green pepper (capsicum) finely chopped
1 t tamarind, seeds removed
1- 1,5 t salt
1 can crushed tomatoes
350 g ricotta if available otherwise cottage cheese
200 g grated mild yellow cheese
a little boiling water


heat the oil in an iron skillet, if you don't have any mustard oil it is no crisis. lower the heat a little and add the powdered spices about 1 minute later add the dried herbs. this method of infusing the herbs and spices in the oil first intensifies their flavor especially if you use mustard oil.

after another minute add the onion and garlic. cook until transparent, stirring occassionally don't rush this.

add the carrot, pepper and tamarind and cook at least 5 minutes again stirring occasioally

stir in the crushed tomatoes and salt and at least 1 dl near boiling water. cook until carrots are tender. adjust the salt and pepper to taste. the sauce should be quite liquid- the lasagna sheets will absorb it during baking so if the sauce is thick add a little water

heat the oven to 180 C/ 350 F

if you want to add eggs then beat the cottage cheese smooth together with 2-3 eggs. this will give a firmer and more filling result but without eggs is also delicious and filling

gather the cooked tomato sauce, cheeses and lasagna sheets and a square baking pan. pour a couple of tablespoons boiling water first then cover the bottom with a layer of lasagne sheets

spread a thin layer of sauce

sprinkle some grated chees and spread a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese around

make another layer of lasagne sheets and gently press down

more sauce

then the cheeses. repeat portioning so there will be enough of each.

when the cottage cheese is finished make sure there is still some sauce and grated cheese

apply the top layer of lasagne sheets and cover with the remaining sauce and sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top.

stir about 1 dl boiling water in the skillet and pour by the spoonful evenly around

bake for 25 minutes. prepare a light salad. here i have used separately plain black olives, pickled whole peppers, sticks of cucumber and carrot, tomato wedges and red pepper slices but otherwise i just use whatever i have.

serve piping hot but avoid taking big forkfuls to begin with. for dessert @hindavi has made some delicious moist gulab jamun
shown here in the glass bowl.

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