Three precious writings


I have recently joined this new community and I am quite excited about sharing my past favourite work. Nobody have asked me before anything about my favourite work till now. As I have joined the platform a around half an year or six months so, there is not that much material or post I had uploaded but still some of the work I had is I still love some part of work cuz which I have emotional relations ao excitment, memories and affection some are my recent work and some are a bit old. There might be one or two posts more than three which I would like to discuss but as three is mentioned so, I would go only with three. Now I will discuss each of them one by one.

My first anime fanart

You will see this post on the top of my profile I have recently joined an anime fan community and this was the first time I posted there as well as it was the first time I tried to draw an anime character well I am an anime fan so I really amused while drawing, posting and be praised by the members I love this post bcs before posting I was a bit nervous about what kind of reaction will I get cuz there was everyone just posting reviews of anime but when I see there bio there was written that fan arts are allowed this also makes me encouraged and I posted there and I was very happy that the community members were very supportive therefore I like this post whenever I see this post it increase my confidence again that I can do it.

previous garden update

Last week I participate in hivegarden monthly garden update and as I am a passionate gardener I willingly took participate in the contest but I write it for my own pleasure I love to document my garden growth it was a lot of fun to join and write such a thing and still now I often see my that post and I see that when I posted and now how much my plants have grown as well as one reason is that I read it to see how much I have described each plant of my terrace garden separately.

Embroidery work of last week

I'm still exploring this hive universe, before last week I found a community dedicated to the fabric related work like crochet, embroidery or anything related to the fabrics ir closthes. Since I was a child I had huge interest towards these kind of cretive arts so I took publish a post for needlework and I tried my best to create a 3d flower which was quite satisfying and it encourages me to do more DIY. It has awoken up my dead artist once that's why seeing it is a source of pleasure for me.

As I already said I am active here for not a long time that's why there are only some countable posts I have and these three mentioned are most favourite for me and I often check them and I don't care about that either they were rewarded or not but I love my work.

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