My first day at embroidery 🤭


Hello hivers I hope you are going good as well as your projects I have joined this community recently and I was very excited to do some activity in the space I have been noticing that most of the members were sharing crochet work but on fact I don't have a past experience of crochet.

Embroidery and my memories

About embroidery I used to see it my elder sister and cousin sister doing it very much when I was a child but whenever I try or ask them to let me give a little bit try to do it but they always scold me and not allow me even not to move the needle or take the thread cuz they think that I would spoil their design ( I think they were right) so I used to see just what they were doing and this thing had always created an affection in me that whenever I will get a chance to do that thing I will must do it a few years after when I was mature enough to do these things by myself I tried many times to stitch a leaf or a tiny flower but all in vien and then I realised that these things are not as easy as they seen they require experience of a time as well as it is only possible under the guidance of an elder or the person who have the experience of such thing but those days there was no one available for guidance or anyone who can help me so I just leave it as it is also I didn't have much interest in these things those days. But passion in this work woke again after joining this community expecting I will grow under the guidance of the experienced persons.


I was patiently waiting for Monday to participate in Monday needlework but I couldn't be able to participate cause I didn't have fibre threads or other particular materials necessary for embroidery so I must had to go to the market to buy some stuff to start this journey so I went on Monday and I buy many colourful some bright and some light coloured threads and needles.

I got an old frame from my old stuff it's still useful and then because there was no any elder or guider to help me so I ahead toward the internet and there I found hundreds of stunning ideas on first sight it seems to be very interesting and easy but when I tried any simple stitch I came to know that it is not as easy as I thought it was very more complicated then I had imagine and the results were opposite then I had expected and from then I was trying daily on a spare fabric but couldn't and today,s result aur a bit satisfying that's why I am sharing it here.


Let's discuss it step by step

image of sketch

I tried many stitches which I had learnt from internet so I grab my all stuff and sit somewhere direct sunlight cause my eyesight is already weak so I tried to do in open area the first and formost difficult task was to thread the needle I thought it's seeing to be easy but it was not so I had to split into two and then thread the needle and it works

during work

then I get on the work first I made a sketch but when I stitch a straight stitch pattern it was more thick then I had imagine so I did it again on another piece of cloth and this time it worked straight stitch was far stems of and pitchforks stitch is for making leaves and the petals were stitch by petall stitch pattern and finally the middle of flower as you all guys knows world famous French button stitch.

final results

It took a lot of time on this while the result was no that much satisfying as I was expecting I hope next time I will do better once I learned these basic 3D flowering stitches I would try a bouquet of flowers on a handkerchief or a hanging art piece obviously for gifts.

Thanks for reading and your time

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